Shared Materials in a Speaking Class



Ani Purjayanti



            Materials have long been acknowledged as a crucial part of language teaching and learning since they become the focused content to which the lessons refer (Tolimson, 2003). Despite the pros and cons of authentic materials, nowadays, a variety of materials are able to obtain: textbooks, journals, magazines, articles from internet and the like.

A number of discussion as well as suggestion have been forwarded for teachers concerning the way to choose and select materials for their classrooms use, if the choice is on the hands of the teachers. As a review, some of the theories and suggestions related to materials selections are described as follow:  The issue on authentic/non-authentic materials is one of them (Wong, 1995). Furthermore, Littlejohn and Windeatt (1989), and a Joint Subcommittee (2005) points out that materials for language classroom may offer opportunities for additional learning, involving learners’ experiences and imaginary, and shaping their perceptions of their own abilities; thus they have to be carefully planned. Another suggestion by Mc. Grath (2004), who discusses the book of Cunningsworth, reveals that one way to provide materials is involving students to conduct it, as their contribution reveals their perception to their cognitive development and to information about the world.

I am of the opinion, moreover, that the above points can be reflected in one way of obtaining a certain kind of material; namely, creating “shared materials” – materials written by groups of learners, whose topic are closely related   to the knowledge, experiences, perceptions they have. In other words, students have to work together and share their knowledge as well as experience with their friends within the group to construct materials, and then share this material with other friends in other groups in one of my speaking class activities.  Such a task was carefully observed, and the results of my observation will be discussed throughout this small paper.



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Purjaayanti, A. (2005, December). Shared materials in a speaking class. Paper presented at the 53rd TEFLIN International conference, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.






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