Why Getting Familiar with English and Indonesian Distinctive Features is Vital



Odo Fadloeli




Indonesia is a developing country with a very strategic geographical location between the Asian Mainland and Australian continents or between the indian and the Pacific oceans. This country is rich not only in natural and tropical agricultural products but also in its heterogeneous ethnics and cultures. Each ethnic has its own regional language and dialects used for intrapurposes (communication with people of the same ethnic); but the members of this ethnic also have to employ another language, the Indonesian language, for interpurposes (communication with people from other ethnic groups). Contacts with people from the rest of the world and the need for technical literacy, however, make it absolutely necessary for them to acquire another more widely accepted language, that is, English. From the linguistic standpoint, it is hard work for an Indonesian to acquire three languages almost simultaneously, but there is no way to escape from doing so, or they fall behind in science and technology. It is the task of linguists and language teachers to overcome this problem; consequently, the language teachers have more of a burden than the students as they have to involve themselves directly in the language-teaching problem. The greatest barrier to break is how to embed one or two other language systems while there is already a permanent system within the students.



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Fadloeli, O. (2003, October). Why getting familiar with English and Indonesian distinctive features is vital. Paper presented at the 51st TEFLIN International Conference, Bandung, Indonesia.


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