Autobiography Writing and Teacher-Senior Student Partnerships in Writing Classes for Beginners



Aris Munandar



For beginners, familiarity with the topic contributes a great deal to ease in writing. This is the underlying reason for recommending autobiography writing as an alternative project for beginners. It has been proven as a means of giving students confidence and maintaining the enthusiasm of the class. Despite their invaluable benefits to students’ writing skill improvement, autobiography writing project are often seen as giving an extra heavy work-load to the teachers. The problem can be solved by means of bringing senior students into the class to help in peer editing or to do assessment outside the classroom. During peer editing in the class, the can be chaperons for small-group discussions. The teacher will interfere only when the problem is too complicated for them to solve. This paper discusses the application of autobiography writing and senior-assisted peer correction in writing class for beginners. The discussion includes the procedures, problems, and findings from the application. It also proposes some suggestions, based on the previous application, for further applications.



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Munandar, A. (2004, April). Autobiography writing and teacher-senior student partnerships in writing classes for beginners. Paper presented at the RELC International Seminar on Approaches to Reading and Writing Instruction, Singapore.






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