Learning Community: A Way to Enhance Student Participation in a Large Class


Mirjam Anugerahwati



Classes in Indonesia are almost always big, be they in the Elementary, Secondary, or Tertiary levels. English classes are no exception, especially in university classes where English is taught as a general subject in non-English departments. As such, the lecturers always find difficulty in managing the class and monitoring students’ participation. This paper offers an alternative way of conducting the English class in non-English Departments called “Learning Community”, this paper is divided into three parts: first, the definition of Learning Community, second, why Learning Community is appropriate for big classes, and third, how Learning Community should be conducted. It is the hope of the writer that the reader will find the ideas useful for their own classes.



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Anugerahwati, M. (2003, August). Learning community: A way to enhance student participation in a large class. Paper presented at the NUESP [Network of University ELT Service Providers] National Conference, Jember, Indonesia.


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