“The Devil Made Me Do It”: Handling and Dealing with Children’s Behaviors



Christian Puguh Sulistiyo

Titut Sutyani



Teaching children brings its own unique challenges. Teachers’ prior knowledge and experiences with English for adults or teenagers may not necessarily support them in dealing with children, as the nature of the two age groups is totally different. In a children’s classroom, behavioral matters need to be paid more special attention than in adults’ since these may be a crucial factor that would hamper the teaching and learning process. It can therefore be said that teaching English to children in reality involves not just giving classroom instruction but also handling disruptive behaviors. To deal with the issue, presenter has conducted action research in which handling students behavior is integrated into the language instruction. Presenter believes that this will result in a more effective language learning in children’s classes. Presenter will share the tools/instrument used in identifying kinds of behavior occurs in the classroom, classifying the students into behavior group and finding ways out to control disruptive behavior.

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Sulistiyo, C. P., & Sutyani, T. (2005, March). The devil made me do it: Handling and dealing with children’s behaviours. Paper presented at LIA International Conference, Jakarta.


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