The Process of Teaching and Learning English in Distance Context



Sunu Dwi Antoro

Johanna B. S. Pantow



Teaching and learning English in distance context is considered incredible. Most people thought it is impossible to study English through distance learning system. How can it be realized since English is a means of communication which will be gained effectively through face to face practices. This paper will describe the process of teaching and learning English through distance learning system in the Open University of Indonesia (UT) especially the tutorial process. It will provide UT experiences in conducting the process of teaching and learning English since 1984 up to now. UT faces many problems in conducting the process itself and it has made many efforts to solve the problems. In the first five years UT provides face to face tutorial for students who need help in studying the material in the modules. Moreover UT also provide tutorial through radio and TV programs. However inrunning the process of the tutorial some students find difficulties in attending the tutorials both the previous kind of tutorial and the latest ones. After five years UT introduced new forms of tutorial such as, correspondence, telephone, and facsimile. Students and UT still face some problems that both need to improve. In the latest five years UT has also developed some kinds of supporting aids for students to attend tutorial such as, teleconference tutorial, and e-mail tutorial. Some constraints still arise on running both kinds of tutorial. Overall some efforts of improvement are still needed to prepare better tutorial for better result.




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Antono, S. D., & Pantow, J. B. S. (2005, March). The process of teaching and learning in distance context. Paper presented at LIA International Conference, Jakarta.





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