The Feminism and Femininity of Ann Veronica in H. G. Wells’ Ann Veronica



Liem Satya Limanta



H. G. Wells’ Ann Veronica structurally seems to be divided into two parts: the first deals with Ann Veronica’s struggle to get equality with men and freedom in most aspects of life, such as in politics, economics, education, and sexuality; the second describes must the other side of her individuality which she cannot deny, namely her femininity, such as her crave for love, marriage, maternity, and beauty. H. G. Wells describes vividly the two elements in Ann Veronica, feminism and femininity. As a feminist, Ann Veronica rebelled against her authoritative Victorian father, who regarded women as men’s property to be protected from the harsh world outside. On the other side, Ann could not deny her being a woman after she fell in love. Her femininity from the second half of the novel then is explored. Although the novel ends with the depiction of the domestic life of Ann Veronica, it does not mean that the feminism is gone altogether. The key point is that the family life Ann chooses as a ‘submissive’ wife and good mother is her choice. It is very different if it is forced to her to do. Thus, this novel depicts both sides of Ann Veronica, her feminism and her femininity.



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Limanta, L. S. (2002). The feminism and femininity of Ann Veronica in H.G. Wells’ Ann Veronica. K@ta, 4(1), 8-16.






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