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As he entered the central recreation oval he was able to see the huge, complex sculpture by the adored artist Grand-cuts-Standover, a priceless gift from the citizens of a dozen large Quozlene cities to the generations that would crew the Squencer.
Anyone in the sewers was lying low, James knew. And that meant trouble. Historically, in times of pharmaciebiefdumoulin trouble, the Mockers would seal off sections of the sewers, especially near the poor quarter, barring the passages to Mockers Rest, the place called Mother s by members of the Guild of Thieves.
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Maybe they dont. Probably not. Mataroreva's face was ashen be- hind the mask. What the old one said to us about the baleen whales being incapable of pharmaciebiefdumoulin mounting such a co- ordinated enterprise is damn true.
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