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Velvet and CeNedra were approaching the house from the other direction as Garion and Zakath reached the broad marble steps. The two young women were walking quickly, and CeNedra's expression was triumphant.
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Next time, bizzy bone use an axe or a club. You almost killed him. Would anyone else like to register any complaints? Garion asked in a loud voice. Let's pile them all up in a heap right now.
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At that point, I'd have torn the world apart looking for Asharak the Murgo, and when I caught him I'd have cut his throat all the way back to the neck bone--with a dull saw.
Catfish has a hole in its skull, covered with skin you take something stiff and skinny, a wire, even a broomstraw did it, and you just slip it in. . .
.. What? Well, just to preserve one or two of the finer stones from being destroyed. I dont think that's morbid, she said. Theyre very beautiful.
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