Anim8or Bird Tutorial

Here I am going to teach you, the reader how to make a SIMPLE bird using Anim8or. I hope to teach you how to use the merge vertices tool, the line create tool, and a simple box modelling technique.


Ok, first you start with a box like in figure 1

Figure 1

Then you smooth it like in figure 2

Figure 2


Now switch to point edit mode in the front view and take the top vertices and pull them up. (It helps to have it locked on the x axis, or/and grid spacing at 5)

You should turn up with something like Figure 3

Figure 3


Now here is where I teach you how to add edges and faces. Take the vertex on the right and select the line tool. In Ortho view, Drag it to the middle of that edge. BE CAREFUL! Goto vertex selection mode and move it to the middle of that edge in side and front view. otherwise it will not be right.

Figure 4


Do that until it LOOKS LIKE the "mouth" part of the model looks done like Figure 5

Figure 5

Now, select the edges that correspond to the vertices you made. It should be like in Figure 6

Figure 6

Delete them. Now create edges with the line tool again according to the floating vertices like in Figure 7

Figure 7

If you notice that if you go into object edit mode, you dotn see any faces there. Goto Point Edit mode and select all the EDGES of the head and goto Edit->Fill Holes and it should look like Figure 8

Figure 8

Now we are going to make the top bill. In the Side View, choose the "top" 2 faces that we just created and extrude them out. Now select the edge that meets the two extruded faces. It should look like Figure 9

Figure 9

Delete that edge. Switch to Front View and take the inner vertices and move them together. Take the upper 2 vertices and weld them. Do the same for the bottom two. (Hint: If they dont seem to weld, change the merge thresh hold to 2 or 5) It should now be like Figure 10

Figure 10

Keep on doing that until you get something like Figure 11

Figure 11

(TIP: There is another way to make the beak tip without extruding both faces. Select both faces and use the "Tip" tool. Then merge the vertices.)

Do the same thing to the lower beak area and it should look something like Figure 12

Figure 12

Now you can add color to the beak and the rest of the head and smooth the faces. Select the beak faces in the side view like in Figure 13 and add a new material. The material color I used was R:233 G:111 B:21 with a Roughness of 40, a Spectacular of .5, and Brilliance of .5

Figure 13

Now do the same for the Head like in Figure 14. For the White, I used 255 for RG and B, Made the Roughness to 40 and the Diffuse to .5

Figure 14

Now goto Object Edit mode, Select the bird, and smooth the faces twice. Mine looks like Figure 15

Figure 15

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