GS Archives Item No. 1137X
Photograph of Breedlove Manor (2005)

GSA security note: The following book has been discovered in the basement of Breedlove Manor. It was personal property of A. Breedlove, seemingly inheritance from the personal library of his predecessors. After our careful research, we're most likely dealing with an anti-creationist pamphlet from 1889, re-issued at least 13 times until (at least) 1920. Original document in Gothic print was written in German. Translation courtesy of special agent Hoelzel.

Document classified as Priority Blue. Access only with level 7 security restriction.

Chief of Department


And we already see land, Promised Land! Humankind will vanquish bestial egoism. And one day, society as a whole will be united in one almighty desire to save itself - and if she only wants to, then she surely will enact her own salvation.

How can any reasonable being be afraid of the consequences of Darwinism? -- Our primary conclusions are as it follows: With the application of the principle of natural selection on society, so many noble gifts of nature yet suppressed will be unfolded and put into practice that society as a whole will be abundant and safe from all misery at once. Science and arts, technology and work will be perfected to the extent that in order to earn his life, no man will have to work himself to death, invalidity or tuberculosis anymore. Everyone will be happy to accomplish the piece of work of his own, and the miserable and invalid will live their lives without worry, according to the principles of humanity. In any way, there will be less of those being miserable in reason of physical or psychical defection, as it will be punishable by penitentiary to give life in a state of intoxication or when bearing a hereditary disease.

Yes indeed ! Darwinism will affect the human species only in an ethically uplifting way, and considering it otherwise means misunderstanding it.


FOOTNOTE: This paragraph has caused some questionable headshaking. I can't see why? -- In many thousand examples, experience teaches that certain diseases are passed on from the parents to the children by inheritance, making the results of such reproduction suffer an existence which from birth to grave is worse than death. Wise people who are struck by such diseases will renounce to offspring out of their own will, and one day, our species will have the insight that fathering in such conditions is a crime by itself, atoned with regularity not by the criminal but by his innocent offspring. This is a notorious injustice which will be removed from this world by the better-educated part of mankind.


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