Emma: So how long you've been with the GSA?

Michelle: A little under a year.

Emma: Now, I'm surprised Michelle. In school, you always had such high goals for yourself [sic!]

Michelle: And now, thanks to Mr Eckhart, I'm achieving those goals.

Emma: (turns away)

Michelle: The GSA is a law enforcement organisation, Emma. Its mission is to protect the New Mutants from themselves.

Emma: Just because you think you work for the so-called law, it does not make the GSA ethically or morally right.

Michelle: I think it's time that you realise what you're part of. Mutant X is just a pack of outlaws who flaw to their legal behaviour.

Emma: No we do not break the law.

Michelle: Now, you're out there, wreaking havoc when you should work within the system making the world ready for New Mutants.

Emma: And you honestly believe that that's what you're doing?

Michelle: Absolutely. You think you're some kind of romantic hero, running around with Adam and the rest, but forget about it. You're nothing more than a bunch of common criminals using your hind abilities for your own benefit.

Emma: You're out of your mind. Adam is a man with a mission. To prepare the world for our existence, one step at a time.

Michelle: And it's Adam's mission that caused New Mutants grief in the first place.

Emma: Well that's not true. Well, how do you feel about choosing to wear a subdermal governor?

Michelle: How do you think the world would feel if it knew there are people like us among them, with powers and abilities that dwarf the imagination?

Emma: You're starting to sound like a recruitment poster.

Michelle: We're both Psyonics. And we both know how crazy we can get things due to our abilities. The GSA saved my sanity, maybe my life.

Emma: I know you Michelle, and I believe you think that's true, but I'm telling you, Eckhart does not have any plan for assimilation. You know if Adam hadn't rescued me, I'd be stuck tracking down New Mutants, to put into stasis pods for future observation.

Michelle: You now that sounds just like the argumentations we used to have back in freshmen year. I respected authority ...

Emma: ... and I questioned it at every chance I got. You were always open to new ideas. Be open to the fact that the GSA isn't everything you think it is.

Michelle: Fine. If you do the same thing for Mutant X.

Emma: Sure.

Michelle: You don't mean it, do you?

Emma: You can always read me like a book, can you?




After two hours of Superman (thanks, Willow) I finally came to some noteworthy piece of dialogue.

Hyper-intelligent kid: Normal is boring.

Superman: Different is worse. I know. Different is never quite fitting in. Never quite blending. Different is wishing you weren't.

Lex: You're not different [kid], you're special. I had no idea that Dr Coltrane was using his research grad on Lex Lab to experiment on you kids. I'm shocked. Of course. But I take full responsibility. Let me make it up to you, you and the others, but don't change [...] See, he wants to take it away from you; I want to give.


Superman: Learning ... [by trial and error] is an exciting and wonderful experience. Why yourself deny it?

Lex: Because he doesn't need to get stupid again. Because he's got everything that he needs. Everything that he ever wanted in his grasp right now. Power, privilege, wealth. Ouch! (accidentally hurts himself with injection needle)

Superman: But would he enjoy it?

Lex: Well, who wouldn't?

Superman: Someone who has moved beyond humanity into becoming ... something else.


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