Two Steps Off
Claire Luna-Pinsker

This was the eighth and final week of dance class lessons.

Eight weeks of hustle, tango, and country line dancing. Still Maria hadn�t quite perfected the numerous steps, all due to the clod she was partnered with. A real �Gene Kelly� wannabe instructor who often stumbled over his own feet. And who did she get matched up with each week? None other than lead foot himself, Dan the �two steps off� instructor, but she really had no-one to blame but herself. After winning a free, one hour dance lesson at the studio, she allowed herself to be conned into the full eight week class, consisting of two hour sessions, two days a week. It was four hours of torture, she thought, as Dan, the clod, stumbled over her feet again, bringing her back to brutal reality.

The first lesson had been pure magic with the lights dimmed just right, the floor waxed to a marvellous shine, and the head instructor, Steve, making it seem so simple. Following his lead, she swirled around the floor with just the gentle pressure from his hand on her lower back.

�Alright, you seem to take to this so well.� His speaking voice was a perfectly pitched musical note, stirring her senses.

He was tall, physically toned but not overly muscular, and wore tailored, black dance trousers and a white silk shirt. Her head fit nicely into the crook of his shoulder, while his guiding hand engulfed hers.

�I think I�m beginning to like this.� She smiled in reply, as he guided her through country line dance steps. They moved like a professional dance pair, and with his competent guidance, Maria felt capable of winning any first place gold ribbon or brass trophy in any prestigious dance contest. After an hour, she eagerly looked forward to the upcoming week�s lessons.

For the second class she selected her clothing carefully, choosing a blue denim skirt which flared gracefully over her hips, pairing it with new leather cowboy boots purchased with a large chunk of her paycheck. She was eager to catch Steve's admiring eye, but unfortunate luck, and her tendency to be late for everything, paired her instead with a mister, �wannabe� dance instructor. It seemed to careen downhill from there.

�Hello! My name�s Dan, and we�re going to attempt, I mean, perform a little old fashioned hustle tonight. You do remember the disco era?� He looked to Maria with a broad grin, �What�s your name? You've forgotten your name tag.�

�I�m Maria, and you�re the teacher, shouldn't you remember?� Maria snapped back. Did she remember disco? What kind of remark was that? A shot at her age? Being thirty seven years old and recently divorced, with no desire to become seriously involved in the near future, the last thing she needed was to feel aged.

�Hey, don�t get yourself twisted. I was just making conversation.� Dan�s eyes fluttered, darkening to a stormy grey under the spinning light of the glitter ball.

�I paid for lessons, not conversation.� She glared, waiting for him to lead off, agitated at being paired with anyone other than Steve.

Hesitating, Dan listened to the music for a few moments before taking the first step forward. �Here we go.�

Maria could swear she heard him count faintly, before taking that first step. His eyes looked intense, a deep blue as he concentrated on the rhythm, and his arms felt awkward, uncomfortably stiff around her waist.

�You know, I really don�t bite, relax,� she offered with a grin, hoping his taut grip would loosen up.

She attempted to follow his lead, and was surprised to find the hustle steps come back to her as they moved to the music. In fact, she ended up taking the lead, feeling his arms slowly relax as they whirled around the floor in circles.

�Not bad,� Dan smiled down at her.

Grunting a reply, she winced as his oversized foot stomped on her new leather boot. �Ow! What size are those boats of yours?�

�Sorry, we must have gotten off the beat. Just relax and go with the music.�

Maria bit back the words that sprang to her lips, instead concentrating on keeping her body away from direct contact with his. By the end of the class, her new leather boots were totally scuffed, and not just on the soles.

Leading her to the exit, Dan grinned, �Not bad at all, you really do know how to dance.�

�I do, but you�� Biting her tongue before she said more, Maria limped down the steps to her car, sensing his eyes burning into her retreating back.

Somehow, each week, she managed to be late, having no other choice but to be partnered with Dan. While he stumbled around the floor with her, she occasionally caught Steve's eye and would find herself dreamily leaning into Dan�s body, before being trampled off step again by his bumbling feet.

�We�re getting better as a team, don't you think?� Dan smiled at her, their eyes on equal levels.

�Right, whatever you say,� Maria muttered, already looking forward to the soothing foot bath her injured feet would soak in later.

The next day Maria spoke to Rita, her best friend and confidante. �He�s not bad looking, but nothing like Steve. And my feet are so sore from his missteps.�

�Why don�t you say something, Maria? You�re paying good money for those lessons.�

�I know, I should.�

�Come on, after your divorce you swore nobody was going to walk all over you ever again. Take those words literally and stick up for yourself. Get rid of that off-stepping clod!�

Nodding, Maria agreed. �I'll ask for a new instructor next time. I can�t believe they even hired him.�

At the next lesson she found herself again paired with Dan, when he offered his hand at the door. After a few minutes of silent counting, he led her in an awkward tango, the dance of passion. Maria felt the flames in her feet as they stumbled in intricate turns and patterns.

�This dance has passion, brings out the fire in your soul! Can you feel it Maria?� Dan asked, stomping his feet in place, releasing her to clap slightly off the beat.

�Oh, I can feel it.� She bit her lip, stifling the urge to laugh as she viewed the serious expression on his sculptured face. His eyes shot sparks.

The next few lessons she resolved to just get through, as Dan was always there waiting when she rushed in, dropping her bags on the floor. She understood why the other students avoided being paired with him.

�Hello.� Dan would greet her, and lead her out to the floor for the dance of the night.

After they got some of the steps down, he�d talk to her throughout the rest of the lesson, inquiring about her life. Even though she struggled to stay out from underneath his feet, she found it easy to talk with him. Talk, and tug him back into step.

�I�m getting my life back on track. I Just finished my dissertation and I'm looking forward to a promotion in two weeks. Divorces can be so messy but we dealt with it.� Maria stepped back to avoid a collision with another couple, pulling Dan with her, and continued, �Maybe someday there�ll be a chance at a new romance. Enough about me. What about you?�

Dan sighed, momentarily quiet before answering. �I wanted to be a classic stage dancer and perform in operas and musicals. As you can see, I didn�t quite make the cut, though I went to dozens of auditions.�

�Oh!� Maria stumbled, from the mental image of him falling over set designs and trampling lead ballerina�s expensive ballet slippers and insured toes. He was amazingly inept and she wondered how he could ever seriously conceive of being a professional dancer. Why hadn't Steve fired him? There had to be numerous complaints from unsatisfied customers. In spite of herself, she thought he would be an interesting guy to get to know better. If he wasn�t in the wrong profession, and she wasn't such an unwilling student.


�So tonight�s the final lesson, Maria. You know, for someone who complains about that lousy instructor, you sure haven�t skipped many lessons.� Rita tormented Maria through the fitting room door as she tried on yet another outfit.

�I paid for those lessons and there�s no refund,� replied Maria, �and I really am getting something out of them. At least I�m remembering a few of my old dance moves.� She swirled around in a quick hustle step, admiring the flow of the flared skirt in the fitting room mirror. �Anyway, the torture's over after tonight and I get to go back to shoving my feet into sneakers.�

As she and Rita left the store, she was surprised by the twinge of disappointment that shot through her.

That night, as she danced with Dan for the last time, she thought she�d feel a sense of relief. There wouldn�t be anymore sputtered apologies. Her feet would be safe from the dangerous affects of his large stumbling feet. And she wouldn�t have to listen to murmured counting, or his long-winded tales from a vast story telling collection. Also there wouldn�t be any more worrying about rushing to get to class on time in an attempt to avoid having him as her �two steps off� instructor.

�This is it, you�ve done very well.� Dan beamed, prancing like a proud peacock, before tripping over his feet.

Maria gripped his waist, preventing both of them from landing on the floor.

�Oops, sorry about that.�

Back in step, Maria laughed, �This has certainly been an adventure.�

They went through each of the dances they practiced over the eight past weeks. Steve, the lead instructor suggested, �Why don�t we switch partners for a few songs, so you can see how to follow another's lead?�

Maria found herself partnered in his expert arms, automatically relaxing, no longer needing to be aware of where her feet were landing, or his.

Smiling down at her, Steve bent down to her ear, asking in a sultry voice, �Did you enjoy your lessons?�

�Yes I did.� Maria replied, realizing that wrapped in his arms it wasn�t a complete lie.

�Well, maybe I can convince you to sign up for our advanced classes. You�re a woman who has a natural flare for the art of dancing. I�ve watched you and even with Dan you�ve managed to stand out above all my other students.� Pulling her closer he led her into a graceful swirl, as he rattled on about terms, contract agreements, instalment plans and discounts, if she agreed to sign up that night.

�No, I think I�ve really had quite enough.� Maria insisted, politely declining each package idea he offered.

He was a smooth talker, and definitely an elegant ballroom dancer, but somehow she didn�t experience the same thrill dancing with him as she had in that first class. Listening with one ear to his persistent sales pitch, she peered over his shoulder, watching Dan stumble with his new partner, and she smiled. For some reason, she preferred to be back in his clumsy arms. Dan caught her eye, winked, and barely caught himself from crashing his partner into another couple�s spin. Maria laughed, totally derailing Steve�s sales pitch.

�I�m glad you�re amused Maria, but have you changed your mind?� Gazing at her, Steve waited for her response.

�No, I'm sorry, but I haven�t.� She stood there, itching to get back to her original instructor.

The music ended and, with a shrug of defeat, Steve handed Maria back over to Dan�s out stretched hand, for the final dance of the evening.

�Well hello there, I don't believe we've met. Your name is?� Dan teased, pulling her close for one more slow country dance, gently pushing tendrils of hair off her face.


�My name is Dan, I'll be your instructor this evening. Shall we get started then?�

The lights dimmed and the disco ball cast a multitude of twinkling star lights across the walls and floor. A cool breeze drifted in through the open windows, and Maria imagined she detected a whiff of aromatic hay. Following Dan�s lead she waited for his first stumble, but was surprised to see they danced totally in step. He murmured softly, singing the words of the romantic ballad, and she found herself resting her head on his shoulder, totally relaxed. The music ended, too quickly this time, with Dan walking her to the door as he had every other night, except this time he followed her through the exit.

Turning to face him, she looked deep into sapphire eyes gazing straight at her. They sparkled more than the stars bouncing off the glitter ball. Shivering, but not from the night chill, she offered him her hand as she stumbled over her words. �Well, er, thanks for the lessons. I...really enjoyed them.� To her surprise, she realized that this time she truly meant them.

Dan moved nearer, taking the offered hand, his gaze locked on hers. �I don't suppose Steve talked you into taking more lessons?�

�I'm afraid not,� Maria answered, feeling the easy touch of his fingers grazing her palm.

Clearing his throat, Dan pulled her nearer to offer, �Well, could I interest you in some private lessons?�

The stars brightened in the crisp air as her mind cleared, and somehow she knew her answer. �Yes.�

Leaning into his firm body, she tilted her head up to meet his warm grinning face. Suddenly she realized that two steps off could only cause her to stumble, fall, and land into Dan�s waiting, open arms. And their next step could lead them right back on track.

Author Bio

Claire Luna-Pinsker is a retired pediatric nurse, a wife, and mother of three young adults. She now devotes fulltime to writing, with multiple fiction, non-fiction, life essays, and novelette, �Ebony Blood,� published, along with several literary shorts to be published in 2007. Her humorous nature, imagination and love for music assist with her creativity. She also enjoys capturing nature�s scenery and wildlife with her camera. She may be contacted via Her Website.

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