Cork Radio Club
Welcome to our website. We hope you enjoy your visit and
will learn a bit about our club, our city and country. Feel
free to sign our guest book with any comments or greetings. We
would love to hear from you.
The aim of the club is to promote the hobby of amateur radio in the greater Cork
area by:
(1) Providing classes in radio theory
(2) Organising an annual Rally each September to enable
amateurs and others to meet and buy and exchange gear etc.
(3) To provide a meeting place where amateurs can meet to discuss aspects of their hobby and to have talks etc.
(4) To organise construction projects.
(5) To take part in at least one field day each year.
We are affiliated to the Irish Radio Transmitters
Society (IRTS) which is the national society for Radio Experimenters
in Ireland. Its purpose is to encourage radio experimentation,
to provide services to experimenters and to represent their
interests nationally and internationally. The IRTS is the member
society for Ireland of the International Amateur Radio Union