Melbourne University
It is hard to separate Melbourne University from Vlachernai (Melbourne) garrison. For a long time, they were effectively the same thing. The first mention of this Garrison is in February 1992. Prior to this, there had been only Melbourne Garrison, and mention of this ceases when Melbourne University comes into being. Vlachernai is first mentioned on Garrison address lists in May 1993, and at the same time mention of Melbourne University ceases. However, in the February issue of the Varangian Voice, both are mentioned, and their banners illustrated.

It is tempting to assume that effectively, the two were the same thing for a long time. As I understand it, this was registered as a society of the Melbourne Student Union. Members included Toni McLennan and Charles Neville. Certainly, Vlachernai training was still being done at Melbourne University well into 1994.
The banner of the Melbourne University group
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