Based in Geraldton, Western Australia, about 700 km north of Perth, Dyrrachium (Dyrrakhion) was founded by Rod Southall, a refugee from the destruction of the Hedland Outpost in about 1993. The garrison maintains close ties with the nearest re-enactment group, the Grey Company, in Perth, and has regular mutual visits for training, feasting and the like. Its newsletter is called Dyrrachium Drivel.
Named after the Byzantine city of Dyrrakhion (now Durres in Albania), at the western end of the great highway to Constantinople, the  Via Egnata, and the first point of arrival in the Empire for travellers or invaders coming from the West. In 1081, a contingent of Varangians took part in the defence of Dyrrakhion against an invasion of Italian Normans under Robert Guiscard. They became separated from the main Byzantine army and were wiped out.
As far as I'm aware, Dyrrachium has never adopted a specific banner for itself
Dyrrachium's website
Members of Dyrrakhion garrison playing funny buggers at training
Rod Southall, founding member.
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