Tomoyo's Talkshow
Some parts where made up by my brother. (the child formally known as PlayfulMew.)

Tomoyo: Today we are making the CCS dating game!!

Audience: yay!

Tomoyo: Ok. MEilin is trying to find a boyfriend!

Audience: Whoa!

tomoyo: I know you don't know what these guys look like, so I guess I'll tell you their names!

Audience: ahhh! they're so cute!

Gogeta: You only have one thing wrong. I am Vegeto!!

Gogeta: No! Gogeta is better! No! It must start with a V!! V!!!!!

*Gogeta starts to beat himself up*

Meilin: Ok... Contestant number one. If you could give me any gift, what would it be?

Duo: Huh? Are you trying to steal from me?! DEATHSYTH!!

Meilin: 0_o ugh...

*you hear security people screaming and clanking metal.

Tomoyo: Duo, you're being PAYED for this you know!!

Duo: Oh yeah. Oh well. I'll jsut stop deathsyth by using my sel-desturct mecanisum!

Tenchi: WHAT?!

Tomoyo: Don't worry! that thing never- *BOOM*

*A wave of wind blows onto the stage. The cardboard that was separating meilin and the contestants falls...*

Gogeta is still beating himself up, duo is cracking up evily, and Tenchi is cowering under a chair.

Tenchi: Why did you do that?

Duo: It WORKED!! It acctually WORKED!!

Tomoyo: Oh no! Meilin has see the contestants! That means the contest is going to be cancled!!

Meilin: Whoa.. All those cute guys!! ^.^

Tomoyo: Well... see you next time.

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