Li's Lovers
At first, Li really dosent like Sakura that much, but after realizing what was truely in his heart, he knew that the one he loved was Sakura, not Yuki...
Meilin, a distant cousin of Li, was engaged to marry him through an arranged marriage. She loved him dearly, but he never returned the feelings. After she found out his feelings for Sakura, she broke off the engagement. She was torn at first, but loved Li enough to help him win Sakura over.
When Li first met Yuki, his heart went a-flutter and he got nervous and felt attracted and automatically asumed that he was gay. (ha) Since he had so many sisters, he was probably expecting it, but he found out later that the emotions only came from Yuki's (Yue's) power of the moon. Once he got over the power, he realized that he actually liked Sakura.
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