Anime Quotes
Mousse: What did you do to Shampoo you dried up monkey?!
Ranma 1/2

Ken: I want to be alone.
Davis: Great! I'll come with you!

Davis: Whoa.... There must be a hundred of them!!
Yolie: Wonderfull Davis. You figured that out without taking off your socks and shoes.

Nanami: ELEPHENTS!?!?!?
Revelutionary Girl Utena

Piccalo 1: Ut oh. I see something you arn't gonna like...
Piccalo 2: *gasp!* Your right! Who knew tails could grow back?!

Goku: eeeww. You're stinky.

Kero: Caaaaaaaaaakkkkkkeeeeeeee--------
CCS (DuH!)

Shinobu: If you're looking for the guy who went to class with a hundred degree fever, wandered around in the un heated hallways for 2 hours searching for a nurse.... he's right here.
Greenwood. (talking about Mitsiru.)

Suka: Koi.... is it really Koi? (koi as in love.)
Mitsiru: what's wrong with the koi? (talking about koi as in karp.)

Chirichi: Oh. Miaka is coming. I must pop into character. *puts on mask*
*miaka comes in*
Chirishi: TAG! YOU'RE IT!!
Mysterious Play (Fishigi Uugi)

*Bill's listening in from a bug*
Rally: You've got a thing for middle aged me right?
May: Yuck! *giggle giggle*
Bill: *to himself* well at least I'm young at heart...
May: Come off it Rally. That guy was a first class loser!
Rally: Yeah and his mom dresses him funny! *both giggle* *other goverment people laugh at Bill.*
Gun Smith Cats

Motercycle guy: Are you sure my bike will be ok in the dorm over winter break?
Dorm Lady: *waves hand* oh don't worry! No one is going to steal that thing from the THIRD FLOOR!!

Rally: If this is what I get for wearing high heals I'm switching to Combat Boots..."
Gum Smith Cats

Shinesman Gray: Why do they have to give my car an inspection?! I give that car the TLC of a blind puppy! What if something happens to it? I'll never be able to handle it... NEVER!! why?...
Shinesman Green: I think he needs a moment.

Lunch: I'm imitating a clip on doll!
Sabor Marronette Generation

Shinesman Red: I can't let my brother down!
Shinesman Sephia: I must give my daughter a stuffed fish...
Shinesman Salmon Pink: I can't let her win! She has bad hair!
Shinesman Moss Green: I have a date with Sweedish twins...
Shinesman Gray: I will live to drive her again!

Ash: *reads sign* Warning. Do not go near the Ursaring whatever you do or it just may be your last because it is their mateing season and they might just- AUGH!

Old Man Shuckle: gooooooooo- poopy!

Spike: My ship works best when I kick it.
Cowboy Bebop

Ranma: I'm going back to China now... so SUCK on that old man...
Ranma 1/2
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