Much later

Keero: Ok! Now that time is up I will present the dishes made by the contestants!!

Keero: sakura has made 3 dishes!
Creppe susette topped with strawberries, pancakes with real maple syrup baked inside, and a pancake icecreme sandwich!
Um.... Meilin made this uh.... black ash that USED to be a pancake...

audience: -.-

Keero: isn't it obvious who the winner is?

Goku: hey, I'm hungry!!

Sailor Moon: me too!!

*eating sakura's food*

Goku: hey, it's great!

Sailor Moon: *muffled voice from stuffing herself*

Heero: die.

*meilin's judging*

Goku: um... is this food?

sailor moon: uh...

Heero: Wow! battle disquise!!

He starts to spred it all over his face.

Keero: Ok, who wins?

Goku: sakura

Sailor Moon: sakura

Heero: Wow! Look it turns my skin GREEN!!!

Keero: uh... I guess sakura wins.

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