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Questions and Answers from Michael Whaley
Unfortunately Mr. Whaley was unable to attend the  2002 convention because of an injury to his knee, playing basketball. But he graciously offered to answer any questions the fans might like to ask him.

I'd like to thank Mr. Whaley for taking the time to do this.

Here is an excerpt from Mr. Whaley's email expressing his disappointment in not being able to come.

I was sooooooooo disappointed that I couldn't attend. I was so looking forward to attending. I hope it was a very successful affair. I on the other hand am going through physical therapy on my knee 3 times a week. Originally, we thought there was some damage, but apparently it's just a very bad sprain. I thought the show was great, I had a blast doing it, and believe me, I've been on a show or two that I had a hard time doing.

Below are questions that have already been submitted and Mr. Whaley's replies to them

From Sherl:

Oh, boy! Gonna take advantage of THIS opportunity, lemme tellya!

Amy, please ask Mr. Whaley the following: In Fatal Edition, the fall you took after being shot by Savalas (your double crossing ex-partner) on what appeared to be a concrete slab, was about as realistic a piece of stunt work as I've ever seen.
No way anyone was doubling you either.

It was a move from a dead run that had your right leg buckling as if by the impact of the bullet, and you coming down hard on that slab in a seemingly uncontrolled sprawl.

I thought to myself, either this guy is as talented a stuntman as he is an actor, or he slipped and took that fall for real.

My question is, which is it?

Dear Sherl:
Interesting situation for me behind those two episodes. I live in Los Angeles, and whenever I did the show I was flown in to Chicago work. The day I arrived in Chicago to begin shooting Fatal Edition 1 & 2 I was immediately taken to the location where they were finishing up the previous episode. The wardrobe people wanted to go through a fitting. I was given a
trailer to store my luggage and as I was coming down the steps of the trailer a member of the crew was pushing an equipment cart right in front of
me. To avoid a major collision I jumped off the side of the steps and when I landed I turned my left ankle and pulled the calf muscle. Needless to say, I was in excruciating pain and was immediately rushed to emergency. I hadn't
been in Chicago for more than an hour when the accident happened. If I remember correctly, it took about 4 weeks to shoot the two part deal, and
the entire time I could not walk or stand on my feet for more than five minutes. There was always a bucket of ice near my chair and in my trailer.

Any scenes that had me running or doing any stunts of any kind, I was pumped
with anti-inflammatories to numb the pain. I was also going through physical therapy on the days I didn't work (which was only two) or short days, and the physical therapy actually continued for another two months when I got
home. In all it took about 4 months for me to completely recover. However,

I did all of the running and jumping and fighting on my own in those episodes, except for scene you asked about. When that scene was shot I was
still going through physical therapy and was not available. But the stunt double who filled in for me, made me look "good". Whew, didn't mean to be
longed winded.


Michael Whaley Q&A Part 2
Hosted by