Rules and Etiquette for EELFEST 2004
September 18, 2004, Chicago, IL

We have found -- through observations, correspondence with other established convention organizers, and comments from attendees -- that a listing of some convention etiquette is beneficial. The most important thing to remember, as fans of Early Edition, is that our VIPs have taken time from their families and schedules to meet with us. Therefore, it is imperative that we treat them with respect and courtesy. To this end we have established the following

1) Our VIPs are our guests. Please do not ask or expect them to
buy you a meal, gift, or souvenir.

2) Our VIPs are humans and do at times make mistakes when filming,
acting, or producing. Please do not make it a point of discussion
to point out "errors" in filming.

3) Our VIPs have agreed to meet with all of us. Please do not attempt to monopolize them (or their spouses/guests) withdiscussions of other programs, fanfiction, or personal questions.
Furthermore, writers, producers, and directors are not allowed toread your fanfiction or listen to your ideas for a show. Don'tplace them in an awkward position. Remember that *we* are the fans of EE and, as such, we probably know more about the show than our guests do; however feel free to ask them about other projects. Don't expect them to remember every minute detail from every scene. However, when they are speaking, give them the courtesy of your full attention.  We will have plenty time later for chatting amongst ourselves. Please do not distract the guests or other attendees by talking during VIP discussion time.

4) Please don't ask our VIPs for personal information such as email
addresses or home mailing addresses. Respect their privacy.

5) In the case of an auction, the decisions of the auctioneer is
final. The choice to view a tape of the auction before rendering a verdict is the auctioneer's.

6) In order to provide the best viewing possible to the attendees,
persons wishing to video tape any portion of the program must remain
in the back of the room in a specifically designated area. For the same reason, please respect others' needs to hear and see by encouraging young children to behave respectfully and limiting discussion amongst yourselves.

7) Any other action deemed inappropriate by the Early Edition
Convention Committee will result in the offending attendee being
asked to leave. There will be no refunds given.

It is our sincere wish that everyone enjoy themselves at this
convention. We appreciate those who have attended in the past and whose suggestions and comments  make it worthwhile to do this again this year.  Keeping these guidelines in mind will help make this a pleasant experience for all.

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