Road Rover Quotes


All of our favorites!

Welcome to the Road Rovers quotes page, where the most popular quotes of the show will be listed. Of course, if you've watched the show, you'll notice (hopefully) that some quotes are repeated over and over again. These quotes will be in another section. And these quotes are not listed in any exact order.

"Let's Hit the Road" (part 1, for those of you nitpickers)

"Storm From the Pacific" "A Hair Of the Dog That Bit You" "Where Rovers Dare" "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" "The Dog Who Knew Too Much" "Hunter's Heroes" "Still a Few Bugs in the System" "Dawn of the Groomer" (part 2) "Gold and Retreivers" "Take Me To Your Leader" "Reigning Cats and Dogs" (part 3) "A Day in the Life" Repeated ones Don't worry. There will be a TON more quotes.

I don't know when this will be updated, so just stay tuned.

� 1997 [email protected]

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