Take Me to Your Leader

Please note: A bunch of the information here will be inaccurate. I apologize ahead of time.
Our story begins in a court room sentencing Captain Zachary Storm to a life sentence with no possibility of parole. Suddenly, an UFO appears, disrupting the trial and vaporizing Storm. It continues on a rampage and continually shoots and destroys things around it.

In another part of the world, the World Leaders are discussing this mysterious space craft. The American president asks for military troops from all countries, whom all gladly agrees. They head into bed, preparing for tomorrow's press conference about the whole thing.

During the night, the UFO appears around their camp and summons up the world leaders. On the ship, the aliens hold the leaders hostage and do something to their minds. It is not exactly clear. Once the leaders are released, the US president explains that the aliens wanted "unconditional surrender". Each leader heads back into bed along with their dogs (the Road Rovers).

The next day, the press conference is hours late while the world leaders are arguing about who's fault the UFO is. Too soon all out war is declared, and the World leaders leave angry and furious. The Master calls the Road Rovers to Headquarters.

The Master tells the Rovers to track down the UFO, considering it the cause of the world wide war. The Rovers head out on a space ship and all too soon they find the UFO but must abandon ship (except for Colleen and Hunter who try and fix the ship). The other Rovers are captured by the aliens however and brought on to the ship where their leader tells his minions to scramble their brain like their leaders.

To the rescue, Hunter and Colleen distracts the UFO while heading into a bigger ship. The new ship, which is shaped like a dog, opens fire and retrieves the UFO so that Colleen and Hunter can board it. The Rovers reveal that the Ship's captain is really Captain Zachary Storm, who tried to make an all out war. He self destructs the ship, but luckily no one was harmed and his minions fly out on life pods which are picked up by the navy.

Storm is resentenced into prison, now in an asylum, the same as Professor Atwater, and he announces that he still is going to win. He announces that he placed a hypnotic suggestion in the minds of the world leaders to destroy the world when the lunar eclipse is complete. A device allows the Master to hear, who warns the Rovers that they must stop this world war somehow.

Each Rover does something to prevent the World Leaders from completely launching their missiles, and when the eclipse is finished, each leader aborts the launch. They are all congratulated as heroes, and Storm loses once more, thus ending our 11th episode.


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