Gold and Retrievers

Please note: A lot of information in this synopsis will be incorrect. I apologize ahead of time.
Our story begins with a young boy muddling through his visions, which depict the Road Rovers as well as the Great Pyramid of Hope, which grants one wish if their heart is true. He is accompanied by a dog, Oso, who barks at a giant fish monster within the forest, and the boy is left alone to wonder what happened.

Meanwhile, there is a big flow of gold overwhelming the economy (I think...) and the World Leaders (thus the RR's masters) are going through what to do. The Master calls on the Road Rovers, who come at an instant. At the RRHQ, Shag instantly wants to have lunch, and Hunter agrees, but the Master calls them on more urgent business. He wants the Rovers to track down the gold or else an economical global collapse will occur. The gold flow was traced to South America.

After practically crash landing, the Rovers quickly find a menace in the forest, the fish monster (from now on I'll call them Pirahnas). During this mission, Shag gets a phone call, from whom no one knows. A chase through the river ensues until Blitz accidentily blasts Hunter, Colleen, and Shag's boat. The Pirahnas speed away.

As soon as the Rovers are set on foot to find the gold they fall into a trap set by the natives, who believe they are the monsters ravaging through the forests. A young boy, Luka (the one at the beginning), saves them because he claims they do not sound or smell like the enemy. We soon find out that he is sightless and that his dog, Oso, was his eyes but was taken. The Rovers set out on the mission to find these creatures.

Rafting down the river, they locate the flow of gold to a remote area with "Gen Par Industries" labeling it, thus General Parvo. He is melting down gold dug up by Sydney to make his money. His associate Digit explains that the Pyramid of Hope must be melted tonight pay these margins. Tonight, however, when the moon aligns with the pyramid there will be one wish granted. Parvo intends to get his wish from the Pyramid before melting it down.

At this instant Shag's phone rings, revealing the Rover's presence. They dash out, losing the Pirahnas Parvo sent and finding Oso. The Groomer makes more Pirahnas and tells them to have "supper". Then she joins Parvo and the rest of the guys outside the Pyramid of Hope. Parvo intends to wish for complete world domination.

Hunter, Colleen, Oso, and Shag head for the boat when they are stopped by the Pirahnas. Oso runs in the other direction while Exile and Blitz "Muzzle" the enemy. Oso runs to the pyramid and steps up. The moon finally aligns and shines down on Parvo. But since his heart is not true, he is rejected and the light shines down on Oso instead. He makes his wish, and all the dogs dash off to the Hover Rover while the Pyramid collapses in front of Parvo and the Groomer, dooming their plans.

Back at the village, we learn that Oso wished for Luka to have eyesight. He says that he will take care of Oso, who has taken care of Luka for so long. Back at RRHQ, the Master congratulates the Rovers, then hears the familiar sound of Shag's phone. Everyone is led to a new room when we find out that he was talking with the caterist. There is a long table piled with food on it. It's lunch time! And ends our 10th episode.


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