Dawn of the Groomer

Please note: Some information in this synopsis will be inaccurate. I apologize ahead of time.
We start out in 3000 bc, when an ancient ritual of eternal life takes place in Egypt. The participants, unable complete the ritual, puts the city around the ritual under sand as punishment.

5000 years later (35,000 in dog years), Colleen and Hunter in a Road Rovers vehicle and Exile, Shag, and Blitz in a New York taxi cab are chasing a red truck with two cano-mutants and Groomer. After several shots back and forth from Hunter's car and the Groomer's, Hunter's car crashes into the taxi cab with a driver who is a "crazy taxi cab driving madman".

Soon enough, the Rovers catch wind of some cats and begins their instincts to chase them. The Groomer, however, is collecting on those cats, and Shag, nearly being caught, hides within the truck that the cats were placed in. The truck turns into an aircraft and flies off over the Rovers' heads. They can't find Shag.

The Groomer returns to Parvo brining cats. Parvo dislikes her intentions immediately and commands her to get rid of the cats. But the Groomer puts them through the Cano-Mutator under adjustments to make Felo-Mutants, just as vicious. Shag hides away within the complex.

The Rovers have a tracing device on Shag's collar and traces him to Parvo's hideout. The Groomer uses this opportunity to test out the Felo-Mutants' abilities and loyalties. The dogs and cats battle it out until Hunter dumps water on them, which forces the cats to go back to their mother (in a sense). They find Shag safe and sound.

Parvo and Groomer don't have such a lucky story. The Groomer rebels against Parvo, taking her felines and the cano-mutator and goes off in a ship. But Parvo has other suprises, hiding a bomb on the ship. It explodes, along with it the fate of the Groomer disappears.

Some time later (I think it's a year) the Master briefs the Rovers on the missing actions of Parvo and the Groomer. He also reports apparent mutant cats out in Egypt. The Rovers check it out only to be shot down because of intrusion. The mutant cats take Colleen and Blitz prisoner, taking them to the Empress.

The Empress turns out to be the Groomer, who wants to sacrifice the Rovers to find the secret of eternal life. Her plans are foiled, however, by the other three Rovers disguising themselves as mummies. The entire building collapses, and just like the beginning, a large sandstorm covers the place. The Rovers make it and the Groomer barely survives.

The Rovers are congratulated on their good services. In Egypt, the Groomer looks upon what she had, then summons Parvo to pick her up. The Groomer gives back the cano-mutator and asks Parvo why he hates cats so much. He takes off his helmet to reveal he IS part cat part human. The two make up, and this series is to be continued...


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