Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Here we start out watching the robbery of an oriental artifact in a museum. The robbers escape being captured but they aren't quicker than the Road Rovers satellite, which has recorded the ninjas' escape. The Master shows the picture of the ninja to the Rovers and explains that four artifacts from the same time period have been stolen by the ninjas. The fifth one lies in a Japanese museum. He sends the Rovers to guard the statue in the museum.

In the museum, all is quiet until they encounter the ninjas. After a battle, the ninjas throw in gas to cover their escape with the statue. Curiously, though, the ninjas smell like dogs.

The Rovers follow the scent to a cave. Hunter decides to split up, leaving Blitz, Colleen, and Exile with the vehicle and Shag and him following on foot. Shag and Hunter find another vehicle and infiltrate it, only to discover that Parvo is behind the robberies, using cano-sapiens as ninjas. He intends to use the artifacts to make a map of a dinosaur's eggs, which he recovers after finding the Rovers. After sucking the gas that keeps the dinosaurs asleep, Parvo blasts open the cave holding the dinosaurs. The mother dinosaur is furious that her eggs and her home have been disturbed, so she chases the Groomer's distraction.

Meanwhile, Blitz, Colleen, and Exile are being chased by another vehicle, possibly one from Parvo's command. After destroying it and leaving the caves they were in, they find the dinosaur... who is chasing them now! The dinosaur crushes their vehicle, but has another matter to deal with.

Parvo is inside the dinosaur's hiding place, embracing the eggs, intending to use the newborn dinosaurs to take over the world. Shag and Hunter, having escaped Parvo's grasp, hears all of this and shows up in front of Parvo, who cracks open one egg, revealing a tiny little dinosaur. Hunter entrusts the baby's care in Shag's hands and chases after Parvo, who has already stolen a dozen or so eggs.

Parvo is ready to leave when the Groomer announces that she failed in eliminating the mother dinosaur. That is when the mother dinosaur shows up to obliterate Parvo. Parvo, without the eggs, takes his vehicle, transforms it into a jet, and flies away unharmed (he took Groomer with him).

At this moment, Colleen, Blitz, and Exile show up with their vehicle, crushed by the mother dinosaur. Hunter orders them to release the gas that kept the dinosaurs asleep into the cave while Hunter takes back the eggs (the truck is still there). Driving back inside, he finds Shag has pretty much kept things under control, but the mother dinosaur is still hot in pursuit.

The mother dinosaur is ready to destroy the Rovers, but she is greeted with one of her babies, sharing a heart warming reunion. The gas is released, putting the dinosaurs asleep, and the Rovers block the entrance so that the dinosaurs may rest in peace.

The ninja dogs are transformed back into their normal dog forms, and for another job well done, the Master gives the Rovers a doggie treat, and that ends our fifth episode.


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