
Welcome to the dumb sayings or thoughts of the life of Eeadeamaria. And just as crazy as my name is, the philosophy is crazy too. Note now, that I am not responsible for any accidents or occurences that may come across you after reading these useless sayings and dumb phrases. There will be no suing allowed here.

The older you grow, the more aware you are of every situation. This happens in activities such as recitals, competitions, presentations, things like that.

If you don't understand the directions, you are more likely to get the correct result analyzing the picture of the finished product rather than trying to finish it from terminology from the instruction manual.

Trying to make something work is harder than trying to solve the problem.

If you fall off the bed, don't sleep so close to the edge of the bed.

If something tiny like a nail falls in a pile of junk, try not to move the junk as it will make the nail even less visible than before.

When you start a question, don't try to make it better while you are saying it.

If something doesn't fit, try another.

If you want something, ask them for it. If you take it from them, tell them you asked.

When you sign up for anything, make sure you know what it is that you're signing up for.

While you practice whatever you need to practice, keep a cup of water nearby - your throat will get dry.

When you're in a team and you're sure you won't do well, be sure to come up with at least 3 reasons why you messed up, and make sure one of those reasons involves what you used, for example, your pencil or pen.

In sharing your food, be sure to ask for money. Don't require it, but asking for it might get you some free change.

If in a math examination you have no clue what the formula to solve the problem is, guess.

When you ask your instructor a question you know he's already been asked before, make sure no one's looking and you're both out of range for anyone else to hear him laugh. (cough cough chuugakkounihongosensei cough cough)
If you study the language just above, don't try to find out who I am, please.

To host a party means to make sure the food doesn't kill the guests.

Questioning others will gain nothing.

Working, eating, watching TV, and talking on the phone is a bad combination.

It's not until a family member passes or has an accident that you realize that anyone close to you may be gone the next day.

In any conversation with friends, two people will strike up one with voids but three people will endlessly jabber on.

People who care about who their friends are and if they care about them are people who have strong friendships.

Organization counts.

Read books sitting upright, in a chair, and looking down. This way, you will 1) understand what your reading, 2) won't fall asleep in the middle of your reading, and 3) have an excuse for a sore neck.

If you have a computer processor, make a computer.

Beside people you don't know but would like to know, act like yourself, no matter how crazy you are.

When your tired but you have to work late into the night, take five minute naps (making sure you don't fall asleep completely) every so once in a while and stand up quickly. If that fails, take a shower.

If at anytime there is nothing to watch, watch cartoons. They're filling.

Practice makes complete. Perfection comes from the mind.

Don't start a conversation with only one thing on your mind to say or ask that person.

If your allergic to something, don't go near what you're allergic to. They unfortunately don't go away anytime soon in your life...

If you ever needed help in your life but never seemed to get it, scream.

When you're bored, try and make everything in your room as neat and as tidy as you can. It kills time like nothing else.

Make eye contact with the people you're asking questions to (ahem cow-monkey... don't ask, inside joke)

Think on your feet, not your face. It will prevent some nasty bruises and sprains.

A twist on a saying: The enemy of your enemy will be the enemy of your friend. Who's to say anyone is really NOT your enemy?

Don't look at your teeth in the rearview mirror while driving. The person in front might be watching and laughing.

When you're lost, let the world come to you. Less work for you to do.

If you don't have such high standards for yourself, you'll be less disappointed in life.

Even though you may have all the friends in the world, in the end you are still alone.

Caring means responsibility. Don't pretend to care if you don't want to be responsible.

It's the little things in life that make you happy. There are also little things in life that annoy you to hell.

Don't go around advertising with a line "New! Finally made useful!". Something just sounds wrong there...

Please don't drink a shot of hydrochloric acid. It's NOT good for your health.

If you're too close to a group of friends it's harder to break away when personality issues get in the way.

The hardest friends to make are the ones like yourself, at least if you're the quiet type who doesn't socialize easily.

Friends are not to be taken for granted.

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I know one of two things. You either came to the bottom to see how long this page was, or you actually went through the entire list. The former will earn you luck and the latter will earn you life. Don't think to hard on it. =) Have fun!

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