About Me

I am a hardworking and dedicated student who strives towards passing high school and getting into a good college. Throughout college I intend to major in computer science so I can then go on to become a video game developer, while it might be hard with the rising interest in that certain field I intend to work hard until I accomplish my goal. Some hobbies I have are that I love to play video games such as Super Smash Bros., I like to play chess often, and I like to run in track.

STEM Major

Computer Science

Career Interest

I have always liked video games, and held the thought of wanting to make one myself as a method to in a way share some of the ideas that I have come up with through my own experiences with video games and thinking of ways on how certain aspects could be better and how I could put multiple things together to make a game that I feel a wide audience would like, that being said I would like to be a video game developer.
Colleges of Interest Location Degree Tuition
Digipen institute of technology Redmond,Washington BS Computer Science and Game Design $27,200
Carleton college Northfield,Minnesota MA Computer Science $49,263

Programs of Interest

  • Summer Discovery(Applied)
  • Carleton's summer program(Interested)
  • ProjectFUN, DIgipen, (Interested)