[Comments below are about the opening day of the "All Nations Expansion” Assembly, held in Los Angeles, California, USA, August 13 – 17 1947. At that time M. G. Henschel is first mentioned as a director of the WTB&TS. Apparently on the same day the Board of Directors appointed Grant Suiter to succeed W. E. Van Amburgh as Secretary Treasurer, February 6, 1947, M. G. Henschel was, also, appointed a director of the WTB&TS.]


The welcoming address over, the regular convention speeches began with two half-hour discourses on "The Seeing Eye" and "The Tongue of the Wise", by M. G. Henschel and H. H. Riemer, both members of the board of directors of the Society.






Watchtower 1947 12/15 p381



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