Marianne Fettig Schwartzenberger

Memories of my Grandmother


Soft and plump, warm and cuddly, quick to laugh and slow to frown, patient and caring, protective and soothing, and provider of scrumptious goodies. Babies and children instinctively recognize when an elder really cares for them, and she always provided their favorite lap.

Grandma always had time for the little ones, the littler, the better. She delighted in having us present, and delighted us with her presence. We loved to watch her brush her long, long, long hair, while patiently answering all our questions in her hard-to-understand German brogue. She was pious and concerned for our spiritual well being, urging us to embrace God and his wonders. To us, her grandchildren, she was the wonder of GOD, his holy servant.

After Mass on Sunday's, it was your house that the family gathered at most often. Coffee and home-made rolls for the grownups, milk and coogan for the young ones. While the adults set up card games we cousins would be in the yard, making up our own games. These were unforgettable times, moments that stay with the heart forever.

Remember when I was seven and the summer-time fun made me forget my chores; and Mom got anger and chased me with a broom, yelling and making a racket. In my young mind I thought that she was going to make this my last day on earth. But you heard the commotion and came to check on it. I was flabber-gasted when you grabbed the broom from her hands and took off after her with it, hollering at her in your bewildering German dialect. I know we all learned a lesson that day; I determined to finish my chores before playtime, and Mom was much slower to anger for quite some time.

And I can't forget the time when I fell from the porch railing, banging my head and scraping my knees. It was you, first to respond to my mortal screams of anguish, snatching me into your arms, hugging, cooing, and stroking the pain away. Mom stood by apprehensively, knowing you would ease my pain soon. She knew you had comforted many of your other grandchildren countless times before.

I miss you Grandma and sometimes dearly need to feel your arms around me again, to soak my soul in your healing embrace. But, you are with the angels now and when my soul needs you I remember your face and I feel your spirit, and in my mind I reach out to touch it, and everything is alright.

I am proud to be a part of your heritage, and only wish I had tried harder to make you proud of me, while you lived. But now, I have grandchildren and your inspiration is in me to make them feel that heritage. Though you never spoke of it I'm sure that you had these same feelings for your grandmother. I believe that is the reason for Grandmothers, - - - to encourage us to remember our heritage.

Your ever-loving grandson; Edward

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Last Updated on January 20, 2001 by Ed Gravley

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