Thank you ever one who made it out to Austin to see us this weekend.  We all hope you enjoyed the show, and don't worry they will only get bigger and better.  Thank you so much for your continuous support, you have no idea how much it means to all of us!! >:] 

HOLY CHUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  As you can see from the picts last night was one awesome night.  Some crazy peeps and I road triped it to Austin to see one of the greatest bands ever!!!!!!!!!!!!  (8 stops 7)  Got to talk to the band and get em to sign some stuff and all kinda crazynesses.  Mr. Daniel O. (second from right) got to hum a few bars with Mr. Evan (the lead singer of 8 stops 7 himself), and might I add it rawked the house.  With a tired arrival back to college station at 3 am I now look forward to doing it again tonight in Houston.


Come check us out at Zapatos (college station, tx. off university)
Feb. 1st from 9-11

if you come i promise i won't make fun of your mom! >:]


Some very sad news was brought to my attention this morning.
Apparently our pet mouse rumour was let loose in to the wilds of A&M south side on accident.

This is very tragic being that through out the year rumour has become fairly domesticated. 
He could potentially be harmed in trusting the wrong people.  If you should come across this mouse please do not try to apprehend it contact one of us as soon as possible.

thank you!
If you wish to purchase Red Rover, Edens Draw's debut cd there are a plethora of ways to do so.

send $15 cash or check (made out to andrew peeler) to:
903 Gardenia
college station, tx 77845

contact any one of our families in midland (if you know us well enough to know our parentals you probably know where they live)

and lastly, CD's are now available at Hastings Music
Stores in Midland TX.

HOLY CHUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



heyhey gang!!!  Sorry it's been a while since the last update, but school has been muy muy crazy.
We wanted to thank every one that made it out to the zapatos gig!!!!!!!!!
It was so much fun, and all cuz your clappin and singing and all that jazz.  The shows can only get better from here. 

Thanks again and gig em (hehhehehehehh),


aaaahhhh.... >:] well folks after a long relaxing and well deserved springbreak it's time for the draw to kick it in gear again!!!  Here's some random info for yuz.

check out the matt j campaign soundtrack.  for those of you that don't know, friend of the draw, matt josephy, is running for student body president, and no one is more fitting for the job.  matt and his campaign crew have put together a cd of local bands that support him, of which the draw is on.

we are currently practicing to gear up for a show this summer.  we will potentially be opening up for jerry jeff walker for celebration of the arts in midland, tx   may 17,18


ew... a few more updates for yall:

IT IS OFFICIAL! WE WILL BE OPENING UP FOR JERRY JEFF WALKER MAY 17th/18th IN GOOD OLD MIDLAND, TX. as the details role in we'll keep you posted

for those of us who actually have to study for finals, our cd is on request at the browsing library (2nd floor MSC).  enjoy countless hours of books and jamms.

We also have some shows in the works so keep the scheduals open on apr 25,26,and 30 for possible jammin'.

may your easter eggs be filled with multiple candies of your choice. hehe
Well folks, after awakening from a great slumber the Draw has a few shows to tell yuz about:
apr 26th- we shall be accompanied by shamrock and proceed to raise the roof for the DZ's and their                     dates.

apr 30th- the tunes travel to OU (that's oklahoma university(and no it's in norman not oklahoma city(ew                nested brackets)))

may 17th- the draw will be opening up for good old jerry jeff wakler in good old jerry jeff MIDLAND.

exact locations and times will be posted the second we get em'.

take care,

ps: don't give the little kids a handy cap when hunting for easter eggs.  when it comes to candy they are agile and ruthless.

apr 26th- Sweet home Delta Zeta date party
              Country Pavillion (college station- take harvy till it dead ends, get on 30 going east, and keep                                              your eyes peeled for a sign or some tunes)
              We'll be playing from 8-9:30 w/ Shamrock closing from 9:30-11

apr 30th- Oklahoma University campus(walker adams mall-between el dorms)
               the show is running from 5-9ish, w/ the draw playing in the later half, official time not known.
may 17th- the draw will be opening up for good old jerry jeff wakler in good old jerry jeff MIDLAND.
                centennial plaza.
                time to be announced

Big sorry for not having posted this sooner (hehe boomer sooner), but with finals around the corner our minds had journal entries taking a number.


YOU GUYS RAWK (=ROCK with the evil fingers muhaha) 

we had so much fun at both gigs, and now that the ball is rolling, be on the look out for bigger and better shows to come.

oh boy back to muy studying.  by the way, if you happen to go to A&M, and happen to study for finals, and happen to do this in the browsing library(2nd floor MSC past the SPO), then you might as well listen to our cd, RED ROVER.  It is ssssssoooooooo on request.

aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! wow don't worry folks I swear on my favorite stuffed animal that yall' will never see a full month pass again without an Edens Draw news update.  I am ashamed to call myself a band member, and shall proceed to watch reruns of saved by the bell untill i can get on with my life......
ok time to play catch up:

A BIG EDENS DRAW THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE WHO SHOWED UP FOR OUR SCARS GIG THIS PAST WEEKEND.  yall rawk.  with all the concerts the same night yall really showed the love pickin us to sooth your ears acoustic style.
For those of us that didn't make it to the show this past weekend, we will be playing same bat place and same bat time. (scars 9-12 sat the 28th) with our good friends and awesome musicians dano and dave of mourning after.  Join us for a night of acoustical magic, crazy coffee drinks, and good laughs.

In general Edens Draw will hopefully be playing a few more guerilla acoustic concerts (while missing their drummer and bassist as they are currently in dallas working up a storm), writing some new tunes, and recording toward the later half of summer, to hit college station and the surrounding areas with a brand new bag 'o' tricks.  Thanks again for making the first year of Edens Draw the crazy one it was, and we'll see what is to come.

the draw

it is with a heavy heart from which i shall address yall' this evening.  Do to technical difficulties the draw will not be able to perform this weekend at scars.  However, don't hang your chins just yet.  Dan-o and Dave of Mourning AfteR will still be able to rock the house (scars june 28th 9-11), so i know how i'll be spendin my saturday night and all you guys should know as well.  Hit up scars for a rockin show and make sure the dano and dave dig midland!!!! represent (accompanied by a pounding of the chest twice and a peace sign to the air)

keep drawing,

A Rowdy Howdy from the Edens Draw is long over due.  Well, for those of you who happen to navigate your way over to our page every day on the off chance there has been an update, today you shall not leave empty handed.  We just wanted to take a quick second to catch yall' all up the current status of the draw.  GOOD NEWS!!! This past weekend we capped off recording our new demo (5 songs) with a good pal and cool "cat" as he would say, Keite, in Dallas.  Together, we got a bit of a new sound behind the band, and we hope yall can dig it.  neways, expect the demo to start poppin up for sale at concerts to come (smooth lead in if you ask me).  Speaking of concerts we have a few lined up and even more in the works.  All I can tell you now is that they will rock....and they will roll.  Thus far we will be playing two concerts with the Mourning After. 
Uno)9-26 @ the didgeridoo @ 10:00
Dos)10-3 @The Coffee Station time: TBA

hope to see you cats there, and keep checking for concerts to come.
School Rules!!!
The Draw
Hosted by