Justin Lassetter
Dec. 13, 1982
Midland, Tx


Who do you wanna roll your model after....uh i mean who's your role model?

My role models are people that i can respect...but specificly it would have to be my brother.

What would you do if stranded on an island with only a rubber band, one pear, and some action figures?

Well first i would start by taking the rubber band, stretching it really far apart, then i'll sit down, eat the pear and wait for the rubber band to break.

When singing in the shower what songs tend to be in heavy rotation?

Anything's fair game in the shower.

If you could replace your hands with any two objects would they be?(question compliments of strong bad)

two tennis rackets

If you never go platinum what is your back up plan?

if no platinum, i'll still be playing music so i have plenty of backups.

Fav movie:

Mystery, Alaska

Fav song: 

All Apologies by Nirvana

Fav artists(of the music variety):

Silverchair, Counting Crows, Lifehouse, Weezer, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Jars of Clay, Incubus, Goo Goo Dolls, Cake, Ben Harper, 7Mary3, 8Stops7, Verbena, Smashing Pumpkins, Queens of the Stonage, etc...

Fav ice cream: 


Fav concert: 

man or astroman

If you could chat over a freebirds burrito with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

Ole Kurt for the dead side, Grohl for the alive.

What makes you all warm and fuzzy inside(other then music)?

Knowing what you believe in and always seeking happiness no matter what the situation...i guess that's a good summed up version.

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