Who do you wanna roll your model after....uh i mean who's your role model?

hehe i guess i can be serious for a sec.  I don't really think i have ONE role model.  You learn about yourself in every one you meat, look up to what you think is cool, and learn to stay away from the alternitive.  I guess if i had to choose some persons who have definitely impacted my life in a possitive way i would say my mother and father, Mr. D my highschool band director, and.... Mr. Bell the physics teacher, and hhhhhhhmmmm... Mr. Rodgers why not!!

What would you do if stranded on an island with only a rubber band, one pear, and some action figures?

OH  this is an easy one!! >:]  assuming that i would be on this island for a while food would be the first thing on my mind.  Therefore, i would dig a pit about 10 ft deep, then i would attach the pear to the rubber band making some type of loaded sling shot thing.  When a critter tried to eat the pear i would simultaneously trigger my action figures kongfu action grip, breaking the rubber band, triggering the sling shot, and propelling both the critter and pear in to the pit. muhahah and then my tummy rejoices.

When singing in the shower what songs tend to be in heavy rotation?

HHHHHHHmmmmmmmm... i can't sing.  well, i tried once and my grandma had to leave the room (she is a really nice person. lets just say it must have been a retched noise for her not to be able to take it)  but when no one hears me hehe i'll sing anything third eye blind, they are fun.

If you could replace your hands with any two objects would they be?(question compliments of strong bad)

a never ending push pop thing, and one of those pin wheel things.  holy chunk i would be happy for life

If you never go platinum what is your back up plan?

It would so rawk my world to be some kinda Dr.  I don't really know how smart i am, but i think i can make sick people smile some how.  Plus the thought of going on medical missions makes me feel all gitty.

Fav movie:

most definitely nothing to lose, i think ice age rocks too!!  If i'm in the mood for a serious one though uuuuuuuuummmmmmm Shawshank Redemption

Fav song:

Jars of Clay- Portrait of an Apology

Fav artists(of the music variety):

Ah chunk....  I'm a sucker for creed, shane and shane, metallica, 8 stops 7, genius(formerly neve), jars of clay, METALLICA, mercy me, staind,DMB, MOURNING AfteR, caedmons call, hum, 3eb, crosby stills nash and young, real big fish, new found glory, chase, persy grainger, automatic earth, aaaaaahhhhhhh that's to many!! the first 6 will suffice.

Fav ice cream:

maui brownie wowie surprise, or german chocolate cake

Fav concert:

every concert has a different reason for rawkin.  i would say metallica cuz they were awesome and we got 2 shows out of it, and the pre concert festivities were just as memorable, DMB for the company and the fact that he can jam forever, then may be 8 stops 7 to be upclose to one awesome singer.

If you could chat over a freebirds burrito with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

GOD!! That guy owes me money JUST KIDDING!!, but it would be really cool to chat with the man.  Especially while indulging in one of his greatest gifts. monster, on cyan, rice, cheese, NO BEANS, steak, lettuce, bbq, and mild sauces.

What makes you all warm and fuzzy inside(other than music)?

ew all kinda things.  RAIN!!!! (JARS OF CLAY AND THE RAIN) soccer, hockey, rowing (even though i'm still pretty remedial), aggie sports, and free food.

Ian Miller
Woodlands/Midland, TX
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