Who do you wanna roll your model after....uh i mean who's your role model?

my parents, 100%

What would you do if stranded on an island with only a rubber band, one pear, and some action figures?

you tell me first, I'll follow it up with a sly remark.

When singing in the shower what songs tend to be in heavy rotation?

Whatever floats the boat that day.

If you could replace your hands with any two objects would they be?(question compliments of strong bad)

A mic and guitar, although I dont know how I'd play with a mic-hand.

If you never go platinum what is your back up plan?

Heal the world, make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire human race.....................or my field of study right now is psyc and I'm enjoying that too, just in case that whole world peace thing doesn't happen.

Fav movie:

CASABLANCA for my oldies selection and BRAVEHEART for my new one. Throw in a couple of Cusak films and I'm content.

Fav song:

I love Sweet Home Alabama, that's the southerner in me.

Fav artists(of the music variety):

Lifehouse, Creed, Dave, John Mayer, Pat Green, Better Than Ezra, Bebo Norman, Caedmon's Call.............the list goes on................

Fav ice cream:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Fav concert:

Man, I had a blast at a Pat Green concert one time. You cant beat Texas women in cowboy hats!

If you could chat over a freebirds burrito with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

Scott Stapp and Willie Nelson; I'll throw in a dead person for good measure. Let's see..........I love Scott Joplin music so I think it would be him.

What makes you all warm and fuzzy inside(other than music)?

well, you took away music so lets see...........I like food, I like chillin with my buds, and any sporting event that is known to man kind.

Andrew Peeler
Pleasanton/Midland, TX
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