DaeyaLuna Circle
Merry Meet!

Welcome to the DaeyaLuna Circle Webpage!� DaeyaLuna Circle is a coven started by four witches in the Southern California area.� Although our numbers and form are continually evolving, we are dedicated to following the path of the Goddess and the God in perfect love and perfect trust.� For us, this entails supporting each other, our families and friends, and our local and global community.� It also means we are continually learning about ourselves, each other, and the magick inherent in the world around us.� Enjoy the journey!

Bright Blessings!
About Our Members Library Links Mystical Musings
Particulars About Us:

We meet once a week for study, meditation, crafts, ritual, etc.  Although we are not a "teaching" coven, and we are not actively recruiting new members, we are not a closed coven either.  We are always interested in meeting new people in the area, and if personalities fit we are open to talking about teaching and/or initiation.  We hold open moon rituals about 3 times a year, usually when we have enough interested parties to warrant it.

We have  been an established coven since Imbolc 2001. We are very eclectic, and have honored traditions and God/ddesses of all cultures, but seem to have a particular affinity for Celtic and Native American lore and practices. 
We are always interested in meeting fellow Pagans.� If you are not a member of DaeyaLuna Circle, please sign our guestbook and leave your name and e-mail address, along with your questions, comments and suggestions.

(Although we love to get comments, we check our e-mail much more regularly than the guestbook.  If you would like a response from us, please e-mail the bard, below.)
E-mail the Bard/Webmistress at [email protected]
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