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 Axl Rotten Bio      
Axl Rotten
Baltimore, Maryland
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 310 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1988
Catch Phrase: "Your worst nightmare is back!"
Championships Held:

Axl Rotten personifies Hardcore wrestling well beyond the point of sanity. Just take a look at the scars imbedded in his arms. Each tells its own hardcore tale.

A gifted wrestler who prefers to use brawling as a means to wear out his opponent, as adept with a steel chair as he is a clothesline, Axl has spent years in ECW, yet without the recognition he craves.

After a bloody feud with his younger brother Ian in 1995 which left Axl and ECW world-renowned for their barbed wire baseball bat matches, the surviving member of the "Bad Breed" soon formed an excellent Tag Team with Balls Mahoney.

Chasing after the ECW World Tag Team championships for well over a year with Balls, injuries forced Axl onto the sidelines as he witnessed his partner achieve their dream without him.

Returning to ECW, Axl was quick to challenge his former partner for the championships, teaming with old nemesis New Jack in one of the most hardcore brawls in Extreme Championship Wrestling history. Afterwards, he showed his longtime partner how much he respected him, sealing any rift the challenge has brought between them.

Axl is intensely determined to add a championship belt around his waist to match the scars on his arms. Reunited with Balls Mahoney as "The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks," Axl appears ready to do whatever it takes to finally get the respect he so richly deserves.


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