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 Jerry Lynn Bio  

Jerry Lynn
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 212 lbs.
Year Turned Pro: 1988

Championships Held:
ECW World Heavyweight championship

After over a decade of being a performer who was utilized to make stars out of others, Jerry Lynn achieved his dream, becoming the new ECW World Heavyweight champion only to have that precious gold strap taken from around his waist at the November to Remember 2000.

A scientific genius when it comes to the mat, the former World Heavyweight champion is also well versed at flying through the air. Injured or not, Jerry Lynn lays it all out on the line.

A true journeyman wrestler who had competed in every major promotion before making his way to Extreme Championship Wrestling, Lynn immediately proved himself to the hard-to-please ECW audience with his incredible work ethic.

After a series of breathtaking matches with Rob Van Dam for the ECW World Television Championship, Lynn found himself a favorite of the ECW fanatics. With his popularity booming higher than ever before, Lynn was rocketing to the top of the wrestling industry, until a freak ankle injury forced him out of the ring.

While rehabilitating a broken ankle, Lynn found himself consumed with rage and anger when he saw the media and Internet focus on Van Dam's own recovery from a broken leg, seemingly forgeting about Lynn. When he returned to Extreme Championship Wrestling, Lynn intensely confronted Van Dam and made it quite clear that he would prove to everyone who the "Real F'N Show" was.

When Lynn and Van Dam collided again, Lynn indeed came out the victor in a hard fought bout. His place as a superstar in Extreme Championship Wrestling solidified, Jerry Lynn became a true become a hardcore hero to ECW's fans.

That hardcore hero had the opportunity of a lifetime at Anarchy Rulz! when he was given the opportunity to challenge Justin Credible for the World Heavyweight championship in his home State of Minnesota. With a national forum to prove that he was deserving of being a top star in the pro wrestling industry, Lynn grabbed the brass ring with both hands and yanked.

When the dust settled Jerry Lynn had a bright new future to look forward to. A future as the ECW World Heavyweight champion, but it was not to be. Lynn found himself eliminated early on in the Double Jeopardy match at the November to Remember, forced to watch as a spectator as Steve Corino was crowned the new World Heavyweight champion. Following the match, Lynn slapped and challenged Corino, proving to the world that he won't rest until the championship is back around his waist...where it belongs.

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