The Isle of Erin
Family Photo Album


Well, I guess people are wondering what I and my Family look like..... I hope this doesn't scare anyone! :-) Just joking! ;-)

A mature woman; Actual size=180 pixels wide


This is a picture of my beautiful mother, Gail. She is a sixth grade teacher and has the most wonderful voice!

A man in a tux; Actual size=180 pixels wide


This is my father, Jim, in his uniform.. The picture is a little old, but he hasn't changed much.

A mother playing with children; Actual size=180 pixels wide

My Sisters

This is a picture of my sisters, Heather and Stephanie, at their Confirmation. Heather is on the left and Stephanie is on the right. They will be 18 in October!  Neither of them like this picture, but I think they look nice, don't you?

A mature couple; Actual size=240 pixels wide

The Whole Family

This is a picture of all of us. I am the one in the middle (obviously).  We can't disown each other...unfortunately ;-)



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