Behold the Witch

Behold the Witch, as strong as any man.
Know the Witch, as she walks upon the land.
Respect the Witch, her powers to beguile.
Admire the Witch, her understanding smile.
Honour the Witch, as pure as Mothers love.
Applaud the Witch, as destiny she moves.
Acclaim the Witch, as the future she designs.
Envy the Witch, her patience over time.
Regard the Witch, her inspiration deep.
Commend the Witch, her family she keeps.
Approve the Witch, as standards she up holds.
Revere the Witch, her faith and will, extoll.
Appreciate the Witch, as nature she praises.
Eulogize the Witch, as children she raises.
Venerate the Witch, for she keeps the ancient lores.
Become the Witch, and these values will be yours....

~ Author Unknown ~
"The Witch Alone"

Beyond the town, beneath the moon
Beside the standing stone
There lives a woman, fair of faith
We call the witch alone

She sings to sun and moon and stars
And gathers herbs and weeds
With which she fashions ancient charms
And other magic deeds

She worships not at altars built
By hands of mortal men
But in the misty glade
Beyond the farthest glen

What need has she of flashing swords
Of crystals glowing bright
Of censors and of colored cords
That grace the wiccan rite?
Her tools are fashioned from the earth
And wind and fire and rain
Her rites are dances wild and free
That call the gods amain

When spring and summer pass to fall
And twilight fills her eyes
She'll lie upon the browning grass
And smile as she dies

For though she leaves her mortal shell
Of flesh and blood and bone
She knows she does not die but lives
On, as the witch alone....

By Scott Cunningham
          Artist Unknown to me.
If anyone knows who the artist is please email me so proper credit can be given.
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