Happy Thanksgiving
Though as Witches or Pagans we celebrate our Thanksgiving on Mabon, many of us still observe the "traditional" Thanksgiving in the USA or Canada of the Pilgrims and Native Americans.

Our family enjoys it as a time to get into the kitchen together and prepare a lovely time honored feast with family recipes. We  each have our favorites and each person has their duty to joyfully perform.

And as a Christian Witch I give thanks to both God and Goddess, as I do every day of course...but this holiday has always been special for our family and thus our tradition continues, with a few changes as the children grow older.

Our family takes the time to give to those who are truly in need, donating to the Homesless Shelter and to Food Banks,etc. So others may have a good Thanksgiving  meal and have warm clothes tio wear.

Many people of Faith, whether Witch, Pagan or Christian choose to open their homes to people who are without family or are otherwise alone on this day, gathering new friends around the feast days table.



Vegetarian Thanksgiving ...
An Oxymoron?
To some perhaps, but as I get more and more aware of the cruelty to animals through organizations like  PETA

I find it difficult to think of turkey dinner as a  neccesity of "tradition". My husband and eldest daughter are eating more Veggie but still want that turkey dinner.
I am opting that
they cook it if they really want it that badly.
I intend to try Seitan (see link on left), eat vegetables and my one vice will be our Family's Traditional wheat bread-based Vegetarian Stuffing. Yummy.
Some good books to read about this topic of healthier eating are:

" Diet for a New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health, Happiness and the Future of Life on Earth" By John Robbins

"The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Help Save Your Life and Our World"
By John Robbins

"Diet for a Small Planet" (20th Anniversary Edition)
by Frances Moore Lappe

"Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet"
by Frances Moore Lappe, Anna Lappe

Seitan Link:
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