Pro-Life Pagans
Children are the reward of life.
~African proverb
My Feelings and Thoughts On Abortion:

I had an Abortion at the young age of 15. I saw more than the people at the Abortion clinic wanted me to see, but then that has always been the case with me� I see now, and saw more back then,  and into,  more than most of my peers. Or many adults even saw. Or choose to see even now.

  I have since asked both the Christian God and my Goddess forgiveness for the life that was taken that day. It was not wholly my choice, as a minor my parents made the choice more so for me. But I believe everthing has its purpose and reason in our lives. A lesson to learn for ourselves, or to help others learn.
My Mother, dear soul that she was, grieved and came to an inner peace only in her last few years with us.

  I do not believe Abortion is right, but neither do I want us to regress to the era of clothes hangers and back alleys and unscrupulous doctors and such.

My Mother was a child who survived several attempts by her parents to end the pregnancy�she had a purpose. And no concoction my Grandmother imbibed would loose that indomitable Spirit that was my future Mother. I praise the good God and my dear Goddess for it too!

I feel that an Ectopic pregnancy is a very good reason for an Abortion.
I do not believe rape, incest or women that use Abortion as a birth control method, is either right or feasible.
This is my opinion.

There are many alternatives to Abortion. So many infertile couples and so many others people, like myself and my husband and people we know greatly desire to Adopt. And there are Adoption Agencies all over the country (USA) and the world willing and able to take these blessed children of God and Goddess. And that willingly help the Biological Mother as well.

I believe
All Life is Sacred and that we as Witches and/or Pagans are to �Harm none� as the Witches Creed so succinctly states. I have heard the opinion that the soul does not enter the body until the real birth, I disagree. It just goes against what my Inner Self and my Spirit says to me.
Again this is my opinion and sincerest feelings.

Blessed Be!

~Luna-Star Xylia
March 3, 2004
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You Are Not Alone!
Survivor of Attempted Abortion
Joyce H. Bryan, My Dear Mother
Feb. 3, 1929- April 3, 2003

Violets for you Mama, always!!
I miss you!       ~Your Baby Girl~
�A ten-week foetus is not pink jelly, but only the woman who loses her baby spontaneously is likely to know how human the tiny creature was and to grieve for it for the rest of her life. Women presenting for [legal] abortion� are shielded from grief� and from guilt.�

� GERMAINE GREER, Sex and Destiny
�The goal was �every child a wanted child�; it should also have been �every abortion a wanted abortion�, but the two sides of the phony debate were never to meet.�
� GERMAINE GREER, The Whole Woman

�Coerced abortion is explicitly recognized as a violation of basic rights and principles.�

�A choice is only possible if there are genuine alternatives.�
� GERMAINE GREER, The Whole Woman
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