Sudanese   Forum in Diaspora
Sudanese Forum for Dialogue and Consesus Building.

Dr Aman Farah

This Forum offers a platform for dialogue and consensus building among all professtionals ,think tanks , opinion leaders, development practitioners   decision makers ,artist ,journelist for all Sudanese in diaspora who want to make a difference  by sharing their knowledge ,opinion profession ,expertise  to make changes in knowledge attitude and practice .Without work on the grounds .poverty and misery will not be reliefed alleviated and apolished ita a long processes .chane requires joint effort . No change will take place in the livilhood of our people .we need  and we had to change the mesiry of people in a decent quality of life.

All positive contributors are invited to  create a forum for out-reach.
to  dissiminate knowledge , positive and useful opinions practices ideas ,training capacity building new technologies , new innovations  to a mke a difference in  the quality of life of sudanese people.

A monthly periodical " at a price "  will be sent to ur E-mail when You subscribe subscribe .

to motivate the student who volunteer and to send hard copies  to organizations inistitutions ,change agents influential leaders & others.

A coalitions and partnership
aill be formed from interested particpant in the idea of advocacy to have a common vision for   building consensus , building unity ,building the state , building the society for promotion of durable peace and sustainable development
*To interpret the dialogue into action promoting unity, development and sustainability of peace
*To enhance an intersectoral and generational dialogue  to overide disparities in knowledge skills and generational gaps .To build consesus ,building society building youth  through intergeneralional dialogue
Hence Sudan will to be a better place for all.

To subscribe ;
send your contact information together with
$ 10 dollars for annual subscribtion
Sudanese Forum in Diaspora
" development activity" implemented by
Echoo development and Concern.

to subscribe :
1- send your contact information.
2- $ 10 Dollars check  subscrition fees.

to the following address.

Echoo Development and Concern
15259 Barnabas trail,
Woodbridge VA,22193.

My Favorite Links:
Sudanese Space Channel
Echoo Development & concern
Dr .Amna Farah
Name: Amna  Farah
Email: [email protected]
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