Earwigo (Series 2) Scripts

Script 1

Hippy entered the main control center of the spaceship. It was a round room with an upper level observation deck for manual control of the craft while in space. All available wall space was crammed with monitors, buttons and levers. Squibcheese observed hippy entering the ship and offered to oxygenate the atmosphere. A gust of wind blasted out behind Hippy as Squibcheese put his finger to the button. His stalked eyes swiveled to observe Joner and Sniffy behind him with teeth bared and their skateboard decks held to his chin! "Better make that air, Bloat ball!" hissed Joner through the gaps between his teeth. "For your care, we will exchange air", rhymed Burkle, who was seated at around table in the center of the room.
The table, the trio observed, could have been from the living room from any office or living room of any Earth house. It had cigarettes, an ashtray, a cup of hot coffee and a couple of pens on it. Deciding not to ask questions, the three sat down, Joner helping himself to the coffee, Sniffy taking up a pen to scratch his name in the tables surface and Hippy sat anxiously in front of the cigarettes and tried to keep his hands occupied (as he had only shortly before resolved to give up the vice, if the broken exhaust problem should be resolved). "....Been shopping on Earth then?" he asked looking up from the things more familiar to the grotesquely weird aliens. "Shopping on Earth?..." Squibcheese puzzled and looked to Burkle for support. Hippy jumped as Burkle’s eyes retracted into his head and reappeared with little green slugs on and exclaimed.... "….TO BROWSE!"
The three humans sat silent for a moment (Joner in mid slurp of his coffee), and then at a flinch of an eye all hands darted to the smokes as they chorused..... "Yeah.....lucky we all smoke!"

Script 2

"Sniffy". The letters were
boldly scratched into the cosmolite surface of the alien ships coffee table. He
was particularly happy with his work as he had not only scratched where no man
had scratched before, but also, he had completed his work uninterrupted (which
is the pinnacle of any desk scratcher’s achievement). But it had not gone
He looked up to see the four others,
currently enjoying fresh cigarettes and coffees, looking meaningfully from him
to his work. Shortly they finished their refreshments (except for Sniffy, who
was drinking his coffee by the transmuting fluxulator).

"Yes!" affirmed Joner, “and
if you've got any atomic fang dang juice that would be great!" But
Squibcheese shook his head and said;

"No, you will be coming to Mars
with us" and explained as he put on his take off helmet. He saw the trios
looks of doubt and concern, and so added;

"Look! I have this picture of
your friend Slothy". He handed them the Pictogram, which showed the
familiar set of legs (this time he was wearing strange ornate guards and shorts
flared like the roof of a Chinese temple). "You see...." Squibcheese
went on "...these marks on the table are the sign that you are companions
of our High Advisor Slothstone He foretold of your coming and said you had
better come to Mars and get him because he has something really important to
tell you!"

"Couldn't he just have got you to bring a message to us?" mused Sniffy. "No" replied
Squibcheese, while making sure his eyes were correctly positioned in his
helmet. "He will tell you of a mission that is currently beyond your
understanding and will show you great things on Mars and this is the only way
he can get a lift back."

"I am already not
understanding" Hippy shrugged "Slothy is outside having a

They heard a massive tack and as they looked through the domed transparent roof
of the ship and saw Slothy once again leave the moons orbit, this seemed to be

"Yes, there he goes now" pointed out Joner. But Squibcheese

"No, not 'there he goes'....you should say 'there he will goes'".

scripts 3 & 4
