Unforgettable Juilet
(or 'Love Hurts Juilet" in Chinese version)

the following translated stroy is submitted by Kat, thanks again, Kat!

Shuzette, a beautiful black-haired lady asked Ariel, a boy tending the flowers, if they have prom roses in their flower shop. He said that there aren't. She asked if he was the son of the owner of the shop. Ariel told her that his uncle owns the shop and that his parents are dead. Ariel promised that he will give Shuzette the first prom roses that come in.

Shuzette was delighted and exclaimed that it is the favorite flower of the person who is very important to her and that it is a promise.

Ariel remembers that day as he thinks...she had already died before that day came...just lying cold on her bed as if she is sleeping...the cause was unknown. Ariel snaps back to reality when he heard Shuzette's mother asking where Cain is for he should have come to his cousin's funeral . Another person said that Cain was in a trip. The women gossip about Cain's behavior.

Ariel find them noisy and remembers that Shuzette was very quiet that even though he helped in the gardening for a month and haven't talked with her much, she seems to be nice. He still cannot believe that she is already dead.


A man who is looking after the cemetery hears a noise and wonders if it is a grave robber. Shuzette's gravestone started to move as the man realizes that it is the one which was buried that day. A gloved hand reaches out from the grave. The man is frightened out of his wits as the woman from the ground tries to reach for him. The man screams.

A lady arrives in the flower shop asking if Miles is there. Ariel calls for his uncle that Claire is looking for him. Claire comments on Ariel's clothes. Ariel said that he just went to a funeral. Claire said that in three days, she and Miles will get married. Miles comes out and tells Ariel to close the shop since he is going out with Claire. Before leaving, Miles tells him that the flowers that they wanted have arrived and asks Ariel to take good care of them. The flowers are prom roses. Ariel remembers his promise so he decides to bring some for Shuzette.

In the cemetery, Ariel notices a light in Shuzette's grave then sees two men digging up her grave. When he looks at the coffin, it is empty. Ariel tries to stop the two men but he trips on a man who is dead and has a green hand print on his chest. Ariel notices a faint smell of poison.








A lady is walking at night, talking to herself, Where...where did you go...my most important person...give him back! Where did he go? Won't forgive....I won't forgive those who took him away....!

Ariel with boys of his age tells him about Shuzette's ghost , face so pale and her hair is messy, walking towards her house. A boy wonders if the grave diggers has brought her back to life. Ariel immediately goes to Shuzette's house as he is puzzled by what is going on.

Ariel asks a maid about what she thinks. The maid thinks that Shuzette committed suicide. She tells Ariel that Shuzette has a problem in her love life. The man has status but didn't have enough money that Shuzette even have to supported him. Shuzette gave him a ring with their family crest on it. He just gave her a cheap ring but Shuzette treasured it. When her mother learned about it, she locked Shuzette up in her room.

Then, the maid tells Ariel that they have a visitor, Earl Cain, Shuzette's cousin. Ariel realizes that he was one of the grave diggers that night because they have the same color of eyes -- golden-green.

Cain explains to his aunt that he was on a trip so he was not able to attend the funeral. His aunt would not believe his alibi and says that he and Shuzette are embarrassing to her and the family. Cain is surprised by what she said. Meanwhile, Ariel is eavesdropping over their conversation.


Cain then tells his aunt that she isn't hurt about what happened and since Shuzette is the daughter of the first wife, she care more about public appearance than Shuzette's death . His aunt protests at his accusation. Cain tells her that she knew of Shuzette's pain and since her body is missing, she could have arisen from the dead because of her hatred for her. Cain continues to frighten his aunt by saying that Shuzette has been wandering every night and this night, she might come for her. His aunt shouts at him to shut up and never show his face to her again. Cain gets his coat and tells his aunt that he also wishes that.

Ariel is still thinking about the events he had witnessed that his uncle calls his attention for he is over-watering the plant. Miles asks him if he is against his marriage as Claire hugs him. Ariel thinks that he cannot disagree for his uncle have used 'sugary' words to get a rich family's daughter. Claire asks Miles to tell her those things he said before and Miles started to do so, "Ah, sweetheart, you are my little bird! Your beautiful feathers and bright eyes captivated me forever!" Ariel wishes that they do that outside and wonders back to what Cain have said.

That night, Shuzette's mother hears something so she immediately wakes up to open the light. She asks who it was and for that person, not to trick her with such things. The door opens and Shuzette who looks washed-out, enters. She says, "Mother...that person...where did he go...." There was a scream. Ariel is just running outside of the house and goes inside to see what is happening.






The servants see their mistress is dead with a green hand print on her chest. Ariel notices that it is the same green poison and there is some dirt on the floor. Ariel then hears something outside the window. He sees Shuzette walking towards a carriage and her glove is colored green. Cain goes out of the carriage and tells Shuzette, that he is Cain. He then brings her into the carriage as Lief tells him to hurry up. The maid whom Ariel knows, has just awaken and wonders what the commotion is about. Ariel immediately grabs her and asks where does Earl Cain lives.

Cain cleans up some dirt on Shuzette's face and looks sadly at his cousin, who is laying on a bed, sleeping. Ariel is climbing up the balcony of Cain's house. Lief tells Cain that physically Shuzette is fine but mentally, she is not quite alright for she seems to be only thinking of hatred and suspicion. Lief asks Cain to rest as they left the room.

Ariel walks toward the sleeping Shuzette and checks that Shuzette is indeed alive. Suddenly, Shuzette opens her eyes and reaches out to Ariel with her green gloved hand as Ariel screams and thinks that he is going to die. Ariel then sees a figure running towards him.

Ariel wakes up to find a gun pointing at him. Cain says that he was the boy he saw in the cemetery and asks Ariel how much does he knows. Ariel estimates Cain's age as 17-18 when he realizes that he is still alive. Cain tells him that he gave Ariel an antidote. Ariel holds his bandaged neck and asks how come Cain has an antidote. Cain tells him that green poison is from his collection of poisons which made people think he has a strange hobby. Cain points the gun to Ariel and asks who Ariel is and why is he there, if Ariel didn't answer, he will kill him, calling Ariel a thief. Ariel told him his name and shouts that Cain is a grave digger. Cain explains that he was there to help her but she has already escaped....she wanted to play Romeo and Juliet.

Cain is surprised by Shuzette's suggestion. Shuzette says that there is no other way since her mother will do everything to separate them and if that happens, she would rather die. Shuzette wanted to use a certain poison from Cain's collection which if diluted 100 times, one can be temporarily dead for some time. If the poison is used as it is, it can cause death by just touching someone. Cain doesn't want to help her because it is very dangerous.

Cain continues the story that while he is on a trip, Shuzette stole the poison. Her lover was suppose to rescue her and they would elope but her lover never came, he wanted her to die from the beginning. She has been looking for that man and would kill anyone who gets in her way. Cain laments as to what Shuzette has endured being buried inside a coffin and that it had made her into a killer. When being alone for such a long time, she begins to fear that she will die in there so she used all her effort to escape from there.








Cain tells Ariel that the man 'used' Shuzette and even took a ring which is a family treasure. Cain shows his ring, saying it is the same as the one he is wearing. Ariel then reasons out since Cain risked the danger of getting caught as a grave digger, he must love her very much. Cain slams into the table and tells Ariel that Ariel doesn't know anything. Ariel says that he seems to be right [judging from Cain's reaction]. Cain answers back that he is a famous lady killer . Ariel quotes his uncle's 'sugary' words to Cain, asking if he says that, too. Cain says that it is corny. Ariel says that it is his uncle's and he is going to marry the richest girl in their place.

The door opens and Shuzette may have heard what they have said since she looks surprise. Cain has noticed it and holds her by the shoulders, saying that he doesn't care how long it takes to make Shuzette smile again. Ariel promises Cain that he won't tell anyone about this and it is for the best.

The wedding is about to start. Ariel congratulates his uncle. Claire tells him that it is already time. Miles tells her that he is coming, then he remembers to remove his ring and asks Ariel to keep it for him. Ariel is surprised when he saw the ring. Meanwhile, Cain enters Shuzette's room to check on her but she has disappeared.

Back to the wedding, Ariel is putting the pieces together...his uncle mentioning that Claire is rich so he must work hard, the man who took the ring...it could be his uncle...Shuzette's lover. He looks back and is surprised. Someone screams as they heard someone saying, "Wait..." The priest has drops his bible and Claire screams. Miles looks back and sees Shuzette walking towards the altar.


Shuzette, crying, says, "Miles...I do not want...to continue on waiting for you...." The people are screaming and running outside. Claire has fainted. Miles is visibly frightened, wondering how it had happened. This confirms Ariel's suspision that it is indeed his uncle, Shuzette's lover. Shuzette picks up the bouquet and says, "Prom roses...I have waited to hold this bouquet...then say "I do" I was in that dark coffin ...waiting ...waiting ...waiting until I'm tired of it...." She approaches Miles who asks her not to come near and to forgive him.

In the streets, Cain sees some women running and screaming about a ghost in the church. Back in the church, Shuzette is asking Miles to kiss her. Cain enters the church calling out to her. Ariel notices him. Cain exclaims if he was the man who left Shuzette.

Shuzette who is holding a small bottle at her back, stands close to Miles and says, "Say it...like before...Ah, sweetheart, you are my little bird, Your beautiful feathers and bright eyes, captivated me forever .... forever..." She removes his glasses and before he can call her name, she kisses him. Ariel notices the bottle and something green falls from their lips....green kiss. Cain realizes that it is the poison. Miles is
struggling as Shuzette falls down with a sad look in her face.








The forgotten Juliet has came to take her Romeo back ---

Ariel visits Shuzette's grave to find Cain leaving a bouquet of prom roses on her grave. Cain says that he loved her which he realized only now but she still, until the end, did what she wanted to do. She has been like that ever since, what she says, she will do...not caring about the feelings of other people. Cain notices Ariel and asks why Ariel is crying. Ariel asks back as to why Cain is not crying. Cain is surprised. Ariel says that he doesn't know why he is crying. Cain tells him not to cry anymore and that this is somebody else's issue. Shuzette seems to have seen them...she is smiling.


~ The End ~

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