
vol. 11 of Earl Cain under the name of 'GOD CHILD'. Two rhymes are used here. For the details, please refer to the 'Nursey Rhymes' Sectoin, okay?

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye;
Four and twenty blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing;
Was not that a dainty dish,
To set before the king ?

The king was in his counting-house,
Counting out his money;
The queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.

The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
Along came a blackbird,
And snapped off her nose.


The dangerous candies taste
as sweet as bitter,

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wanna try this kind of taste . . . ?

A white-clothed table with well-to-do silverware decorated deliciously with . . .

Madame Graice (busy counting): "Cheese cakes <is it my favorite German Cheese? What about you? Your favorite cheese cake is . . . >, fruits parts, biscuits , sandwiches, And . . . our most wanted Blackberry Pie Party !"

A young guy (looks angry and impatient) shows a piece of document: "I know well Auntie Graice can cook. So stop buzzing. Hurry up and sign this!"

Madame Graice (sitting on a rattan chair cozy; her long, well-braid bair and her innocent smile make her look much junior than her real age) says with her smiling eyes: "Oh, you want my autograph? I am not a celebrity, Georgie Porgie."

Georgie (yelling and can't bear anymore): "MY NAME IS GEORIGE BARGIE !", holds his aunt's hand with menacing voice, "I will assure myself to send you to the house of the age where your Parkinsonism friends are waiting!"

Madame Graice: "It hurts, Georige . . . "


Suddenly, a walking stick's handle holds annoying Georgie's neck which surprised and stopped his rude behavior.

It's Cain.

Cain murmurs 'Georige Porgie' rhyme and eye to Gorgie: "Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry; When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away."

Bully Georgie Porgie
- Madame Graice looks amazingly young .
But, her nephew doesn't respect her.
Cain stops bully Georige, murmurs the rhyme 'Georgie Porgie' to him -

Georgie (stepped back; wonders the sudden appearance of this young stranger): "Wh... Who are you?"

Georige continues stepping back that he nearly lost his balance. Behind him is a young chambermaid carrying a bucket of water. He hit the bucket and water poured into him <what goes around, comes around ^_^>

The chambermaid (with frightening, thin voice): "Ar. . . Mister Georgie, I'm so sorry!!"

Georige (anger boils to top): "Damn !! Damn It ! I can't take this anymore! Like master, like servant! If I become the master here, I will sure kick you all out of here!"

He leaves angrily.
On the other side, there stands Cain and Merryweather.

Merryweather (two hands on waist, eyebrows raising angrily): "What the hell --"

A joyful, eager voice: "Ar! Kitty You Are Here."

Merryweather (opens her welcome arms and runs towards Auntie Graice): "How I wish to see you, Granny!"


Madame Graice (still sitting on the rattan chair, she is too happy to open her eyes): "Oh, my adorable granddaughter Kitty. It's like a drema! Since your had gone to abroad, I felt lonely everyday!", suddenly aware someone is standing next to her loved 'granddaughter', "AR? Kitty, who is this Mr. Blackbird? <obliviously, the colour of Cain's suit is . . > He has a pair of beautiful cat eyes !"

Merryweather replies cutely: "AR . . This is the one who takes care of me, Granny!"

Cain (with warming, charming smile): "Nice to meet you. Please call me 'Black Bird', Madame. This time, please tolerance my disturbance with Miss Kitty here for a few days."

Madame Graice: "You're more than welcome! Let's have a tea! Please try them <desserts> I haven't had such a bustling party for a long time "

An old butler welcomes Cain ....
<wonder if ther'es any well-fined, smart, young and handsome butler like Lief... Cain, you are so lucky to have Lief!!!>

Butler: "Mister Cain . . . Your formal name is . . . "

Cain: "Oh. . . I am 'Black Bird'."

Butler: ". . . I see. Mr. Black Bird. I am so sorry to ask you two come here. All began on that day. . . where Madame Graice saw your younger sister Miss Merryweather in the garden . . . "

=Flash Back =
In a garden, an old lay is talking to Merryweather. . .

Madame Graice (surprised and nervous): "Kitty? Aren't you Kitty? When did you come back from India!! Oh, OH... I am so delighted! It's my adorable little Kitty!"

Butler (explains Madame Graice's poor situation to Cain): "Madame treats Miss Merryweather as her granddaughter, whose age was the same as Miss Merryweather, who passed away 3 years ago. Both the son and daughter-in-law of Madame were passed away because of illness. . . And then, their left daughter also pased away accidentally. . . Madame couldn't take it more . . . From then on, Madame lives in her imaginative world.. And so, she bakes cakes for her loved granddaughter never come back. . . Baking a cake which no one would try. . ." Take a bow to Cain, "To comfort Madame, I therfore invited you two here . . . "

Isn't It my Little Kitty?
- Madame Graice met Merryweather in a garden
She thought Merry was her own granddaughter
The Butler tells the whole story to Cain -

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