Chinese Hana to Yume
vol.18, 2001

Is this cover familar?! Yes! It's actually the same (well, not really the same, slightly different) as the Japanese issue of 'HTY' (vol.11, 2001). Which cover you like more?! I perfer this version more sinceall cover pages from Chinese 'HTY' are plastic coated. For the Jap. version, it's in paper quality only.

The cover says "It's Been A Long Time! 'Earl Cain' series is Back ! "
Earl Cain Series ' The Son of Evil & Crime
<??? why not just says GOD CHILD directly?!>

Hey! Check this out! Even the back of this magazine is related to Kaori Yuki's work. Do you know who is this guy?! Any hints?! Mmm.. okay, he is from 'Angel Sanctuary'. Ouch~ Cain can only take a mini corner here....

I think this issue is worth collecting since it's the 'come back' again cover page of 'Earl Cain'. What's more, it contains 3 colour pages: 2 pages of Cain waking from a coffin (is he trying to be a vampire?! Vampire Lestat?! haaaaa.. Cain, you are Earl of Poison, not Earl of Vampire!!!) and 1 page about the main characters profile . The story published in this issue is Mad-Tea-Party


The Differences bewteen Japanese & Chinese Margaret

Which 'HTY' version you buy?! And, which version you are in?! heeeee.. Well, well, well. Both are official versions. It's just that those stories published in the Japanese version are the most latest whereas the paces are slower. Take for example, the latest story of Earl Cain's GOD CHIID is vol. 9 - 'Butterfly Bone' in Japanese HYT. But for the Chiense version, the latest story of Earl Cain is only vol. 1 - 'Mad-Tea-Party'. What's more, the most important thing is, there is NO Free Gift included in Chinese 'HYT'. On the contrary, the cover page of Chinese 'HYT' is plastic coated.

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