Determining y = mx + b, given the slope and a point (01)

1. Solve for b by substituting the given values in y = mx + b
2. Then write the required equation in y = mx + b form (aka Slope Intercept Form)
3. A full solution is required. Follow the board/overhead example(s), given in class
4. For odd numbers, also graph the linear equation.
5. Solutions can be verified in class with peers and/or on the board. 6. Do your best work.

1) m =3; (2, 5)

2) m = 2; (7, 10)

3) m = - 4; (3, 5)

4) m = -3; (6, 2)

5) m = 1/2; (-3, 5)

6) m = 4/5; (4, -6)

7) m = -2/3; (-2, 4)

8) m = -3/4 ; (3, -4)

9) m = 2 ; (1/3, 1)

10) m = 2; (-1/3, 1/4)

11) m = 1/3; (1/2, 1/5)

12) m = -1/3; (-1/3, -3/4)

13) m = 0; (2, -3)

14) m = 0; (-3, 5)

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