The Shrine of Director-General Monty Zuma
Director-General Zuma (often known as "Director" or "Commander") is one of the more noble characters of Project A-ko. His strong leadership was demonstrated in the first movie, when he bravely fled the command centre. (Courtesy of the arrival, and subsequent crash landing of the Egota Class Spaceship.)

In later episodes he continued to delight. In Part 2, he was bullied into commissioning Hikaru Daitokuji's Cherry Blossoms (Also known as Marilyn) In Part 3 He failed to materialise and order his troops, he claimed he had a headache! In Part 4 he surrendered completely, panicking, nearly wetting himself, and finally freezing virtually catatonic. (As seen below.)

The Director is one of my favorite characters, especially in the 3 OAV's after the original. Zuma was originally drawn as a competent commander, marvelling at how Earth technology had progressed in the "last sixteen years". By Part 4, Final, he was asking his subordiates "What should we do?" Well done Director, you are a credit to the Project A-ko series. 

Director's Quotes (.wav)
I need a walk... What should we do? I have to go to the boys room...
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