Maruten's Harem

Maruten of the Space Patrol is the heroic individual that single-handedly defeated Xena, neutralized the three-headed space dragon, brought Gail to justice, and rescued A-ko, B-ko and C-ko.

At least, that's his story...

Sneaky Maruten took all the glory for saving the galaxy in the end of Project A-ko 6, Battle 2 - Blue Side. He was rewarded with riches, and lots of women. He might sound like an absolute jerk, but remember, he's the one that brought B-ko back to life, and gave A-ko a fighting chance with a special sword, and A DISQUISE KIT!!!!

Maruten is also a bit of a philosophizer, in a particually deep scene he came up with this little nugget of wisdom:
"I've seen all types. Some women are attracted to dangerous men.  I've never understood that.Women are strange.  They ignore noble and decent men, like myself.  instead they go for the villain, like him."


The galaxy's safe, but don't thank Maruten, it's all in a days work, for Maruten of the Space Patrol!

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